Elliot's story part 3

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He quickly caught up to the kid, snatching him from the ground and lifting the crying child up to eye height. The boy yelled and pleaded, kicking and scratching out at the giant.

Elliot remembered all the stones his brother threw at him. All the times that he splashed water on his so that the would freeze downstairs in the cellar on a cold winters night. All the times he left Elliot dehydrated in the fields, not bringing him a single drop of water after working in the sun all day long.

He simply tightened his grip around the boy's throat. The bones in his neck cracking and snapping like eggshells. The death was swift, and the body hung limp in his hands as he let it dangle in the air before dropping it to the ground where it thudded lifelessly.

He turned over to Craig who was trying to crawl away at a snail's pace. The giant lumbered up to him. Looking down at the pathetic man, looking at all the wood pieces sticking out of his face.

Much like his younger brother, he picked Craig up by the neck. Dragging him over to the truck. His feet dragged against the ground, leaving behind a blood trail from his bleeding head.

He grabbed the back of Craig's head with his other giant hand. Pushing his face into the window and making the glass shatter. He did that with all of the other windows too, not stopping until that abusive piece of shit was dead.

He dragged the body behind him, stopping to pick up Trevor's body as well. Taking the corpses with him as he made his way back over to the house.

As he dragged the corpses behind him, memories of every abusive moment this family gave him filled his mind. Memory on top of memory they just would not stop, the beats was actually crying by the time he got to the house.

He dropped Craigs body, but still held Trevors as he lifted it up into both hands. Grunting out as he tossed the body through the window and into the front room.

He heard the screaming of his sister Sissel as he slammed so hard through the door that it shattered. he thundered down the hall and into the living room doorway where the rest of his family was screaming at the sight of their dead brother.

They all turned up to see the bloody giant looming in the doorway. Their eyes were wide with terror. The last few minutes were a blur to Elliot. He only remembers that Darek tried to fight him, failed horribly, and died in a bloody heap of broken bones on the carpet.

Sissel layed similarly dead in the broken glass of the window. Her body slumped halfway through the opening as she bled down the wall.

He was currently dragging aa screaming Stacy and Maryanne down the stairs, to the hatch. he flung it open and threw the both of them in, watching as they tumbled down the steps and landing harshly against the concrete ground.

Stacy grabbed onto Maryanne, holding the crying girl close as she looked up at the giant blocking the opening. tears streamed down her face.

" Elliot, I'm your mother!" She pleaded to him while sobbing heavily. His eyes widened into a glare. His mother?! His mother who stared him beat him and made his life a living hell.

He bared his teeth, letting out a large bellowing roar into the hole. Stacy and Maryanne screamed as he did. he glared at them a moment longer after he was done. Hearing them scream out one final time as he stepped back, slamming the hatch closed and locking it in place.

He had no intention of ever letting them out. They would stare to death down there. He stomped away from the hatch, towards the carnage he had left behind in the rest of the house

The next morning, he dragged the bodies of his siblings and Craig over to the pig's pen. Dumping them in and letting the swine devour the flesh. he watched with no remorse as he heard the meat tear and the bones snap.

He stood there long after their bodies were long gone, nothing but bloodstains on the ground. He was all alone now. No one to yell at him or hurt him anymore... this was his house now.

He stayed in the house for two more years afterward. He knew how to grow plants and take care of the animals. He was finally able to eat good, only allowing him to grow even more.

By the time he was eighteen, he was seven feet tall. He was alone the entire time. There had been a couple of people that had come to the farm during those two years.

They were never seen again.

He had no idea what was happening when a group of wailing police cars sped into the fields and to the house one day. Followed by a big white van.

He watched from the window with a growl as the officers got out with their guns and tasers. They slammed through the door, and he hid into the shadows. Waiting for them to disperse around the house.

He was able to take a few down before he was paralyzed by the tasers. It took five people to drag the giant out of the house and into the white van.

The next time he woke up, he was in white clothing, in a celled room. A smile orange-haired doctor on the other side of his door.

- -

Elliot snapped out of his memory. He was still alone in the old house. It was dark and quiet now. He was taken to that Asylum eight years ago, that was when he first met willy. A few years later the twins. A few years after that... Y/N.

The first one to ever show him any true love. The one that held him and made him feel such a foreign feeling. Where was she now... he needed her so bad.

He brought his giant hands up to his face, feeling the leather muzzle. He moved them to his long black hair. Gripping it tightly and squeezing his eyes shut. He needed you right now, he could not live without you.

His shoulders bounced and his chest heaved as he started sobbing.

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