Elliot's story Part 2

Start from the beginning

His eyes widened, he was drenched in blood! Mama would punish him for that! She would think he killed someone while they were having lunch.

He dropped the half-eaten fish corpse, jumping into the water and getting himself drenched. Cleaning himself of all the blood that littered his body.

The blood mostly washed away, but some of it was still in his clothing. That was alright, that would be hard to notice against his dark shirt. Unfortunately, this meant he had to be absolutely drenched until his clothing dried.

That was alright too, they would put him to work immediately and he would dry off quickly. He was shouted at again and he quickly rushed out of the water as it splashed all around him.

He ran to the family but made sure to stay a good ten feet behind. Mama only crinkled her nose at his soaking wet form before turning and walking away with his siblings. Craig stayed still and glared at him a moment more, and Elliot did something he had never done before.

He actually lifted his eyes and met the glare. Craig's glare widened slightly and he stared hard at the boy before turning around and following the family. Elliot stayed where he was for a moment. breathing heavily. His fists clenching and unclenching.

His brown eyes flicked around the forest. He had caught fish, what would happen if he just did not go back? All thoughts of running away were diminished though when he was shouted at again.

He flinched into himself and quickly scurried after the group. Mentally preparing himself for a long, hard day in the sun again. Like it always was, like it always would be.

- -

He... He could not believe this... It was gone. It was all gone, destroyed. His precious garden! all of the plants were dead! Not dead as if he did not water them and they withered away. No... gone as it someone took a rake and destroyed the whole patch!

How did this happen!?! His eyes were wide as he slowly lumbered up to the dead plants. Tears brimming his eyes and falling in fat droplets down his cheeks as he fell to his knees at the first plant. All of his beautiful flowers gone. All of the fruit and vegetable plants that would have provided him a better diet so he did not have to starve as much, dead, and squished into the dirt.

He grabbed a few fistfuls of dirt and flung it in the air. getting to his feet and stomping away. he ground his teeth together and bit onto his bottom lip. Scratching at his face with both of his hands as he stormed through the entire cornfield. Not even using the cut out paths like he usually did. This time he just mowed through, trampling some of the stalks underneath his feet.

He stormed by the front of the house. Stopping when he heard Darek snicker. he snapped his head in the direction of the porch and froze. Darek sat on one of the steps, a messy hoe in his hands and a very familiar wildflower in his other.

The giant's eyes widened and he turned towards his cackling younger brother. His shoulders hunching up as his stance started to get rather aggressive. He did that to his garden?! Why?! To make him suffer more that's why. That's all they ever did to him!

His breathing got heavier and heavier with each second, and Maryanne who was seated next to Darek noticed just how angry the giant was getting. She quickly got up and scurried into the house as their sibling continued to cackle at Elliot's misery.

The giant took one step forward just as Papa came out of the house with Maryanne trailing just behind. Holding onto the back of his shirt in fear as she looked at the angry giant.

Craig lifted the cane he was holding. Shouting at Elliot to back off and get back to work. The giant stood right where he was, returning the glare Craig was giving him with enough force to level all the fields out.

his fists remained clenched and he continued to bite his lower lip even after it bled. His brown eyes were so full of anger. Craig shouted at him again to get going.

He raised his lips into a snarl, his cuts dripping blood down into his mouth and staining his teeth. he let out a low rumbling growl at his father. Darek's eyes widened and he dropped the hoe, standing up to get closer to his father.

" Elliot I swear to god boy if you don't step away right now than I'm getting my shotgun!" Craig yelled at the giant, though there was obvious fear in his voice. He was afraid of the giant. He knew it, the kids knew it, and so did the giant.

Elliot huffed one more time through his nose, slowly turning away and stepping off heavily to the fields. Heading off in the direction he started working on earlier before he went to check on his garden.

Behind him he heard the door open as mama rushed out, asking what had happened. He heard papa say to her that he was no good and getting out of hand.

He growled again, moving faster so that he did not have to hear what they said. He teared up again when they were out of earshot. He worked so hard on that little garden, and now it was gone. Who knows how long it ould take him to get enough seeds again. If he even could now.

Darek had to have followed him one of the times he checked upon it. He had seen what he was working so hard on and destroyed it for the sole reason just to make the giant suffer.

The giant stopped. Grabbing his air and gripping it so tightly it hurt. he growled out into the air, his breath coming out in heavy, bull-like huffs. Then he let out a roar that echoed all over the fields.

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