"So we have a way down?" It's the first thing Echo's said in a long time.

Raven grins from ear to ear. "We have a way down."


Once Raven figures out where they keep their Hydrazine fuel, we all head down there to get some, since there's no other immediate threat on the ship.

Murphy and Monty were holding one tank, while Raven and I were holding the another. Just in case. Echo was keeping watch in case anything bad happened or we were attacked.

"Go slow, Murphy," Monty says, clearly annoyed. "This stuff's combustible."

Murphy scoffs. "No kidding. Just tell me we're going the right way. This place gives me the creeps."

"Yeah," Raven says, rearranging her grip. "We're almost back to the docking bay."

"You're afraid of an empty ship," Echo replies. She seems to hate her job of literally doing nothing. I'd trade any day, except that I don't want to look like a wimp in front of my girlfriend. "You should be more worried about what's waiting for us on the ground."

"I worry about more," Murphy states, "than one thing at a time. It's called multi-tasking."

His sarcasm was really starting to bug me.

"Well, the old Murphy's back," Echo says, sounding a little relieved. "I, for one, miss your stupid little jokes."

"Really, Echo?" Raven asks, incredulously. She sounded tired.

Murphy stood proudly, his strength seemingly returned. "Thank you, Echo."

"Please, don't encourage him," Monty begs.

"He just misses his algae farm," Murphy reasons.

"I hate to admit it," I say, almost laughing, "but Murphy's probably right about that."

When everyone laughs, Monty asks, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Murphy sucks in a breath. "It's pretty clear you'd rather we stay on the ring."

"You mean where we were safe, well-fed, plenty of water, friends, people we love?" Monty says, eyes widening. "Why would anyone want to stay there?"

Was Monty Green being... sarcastic? Was this even possible?

Murphy rolls his eyes, almost dropping the highly combustible tank of fuel. "Come on, man, we were stuck in a metal tube for 2,200 days."

"But who's counting?" Echo replies casually.

"That's right," Monty says. "And while the rest of us were working every one of those days to make life better, to learn things, you sat on your ass and did nothing, pushing Emori away because she deigned to find a skill that made her more useful than you."

Murphy, glaring daggers, still manages to genuinely smile. "Tell me how you really feel, Monty."

"I thought I just did," answers Monty.

"You're just mad because I'm excited to go back down to the ground," Murphy says, "instead of hiding from the real world."

"Guys?" Echo says, alarmed.

"You don't like being called useless, do you, Murphy?" asks Monty

"Guys?" Echo says again, looking into a window that I was too far away to see.

"I don't know," Murohy replies, as if Echo hadn't said anything. "Do you like being called a coward?"

I could Raven rolling her eyes, clearly thinking, Urgh, boys. Honestly, I couldn't agree more.

Murphy's cheeks were red with anger. So were Monty's.



"Guys!" Echo yells. "You need to see this."

Monty and Murphy turn their heads to see what Echo's talking about as Raven and I get there.

In the room on the other side of the glass, hundreds of little pods that look almost coccoon-like are sticking out of the wall. The tops, made of glass, look like they're engulfed with ice. The bottom part was metallic, surrounded by colours of blue, yellow, white and black. Next to each pod is a screen with a person's face and words all over it, probably info. Inside the pods are what look like bodies.

"I don't believe it," Monty says, forgetting he and Murphy's little argument. "Cryosleep."

"Cryo," Echo repeats. "What does it mean?"

"It means the prisoners are still here," Murphy says. Huh, I guess he's not that stupid after all.

"They're all full," Monty states obviously. Okay, so maye Monty and Murphy just switched bodies..? "There's hundreds of them."

"Monty. Monty. We already got the fuel, man," says Murphy. Man. Nope, I guess they didn't switch bodies after all. "Let's just load it up and get the hell out of here."

Echo's eyes seem to be darting everywhere at once. "Murphy's right. Let's go."

you'd better enjoy this because my sister was reading it out loud and making fun of it the whole time.

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