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I have a feeling that me being this excited about getting tagged is a bit sad, but never mind. Anyway, the tag is up there. Thanks for the tag,lectiophile_wholived

1. Five ways to win my heart
This is kind of tough — I would say be a nice person, love me, try to be understanding when I mess up, be loyal to me and be my friend. By the last one, I mean that you must care about me platonically in addition (why did I just spend an entire minute trying to remember how to type that) to romantically.

2. Something I feel strongly about
Gay rights. They're essentially nonexistent in Singapore, and technically it's illegal to be gay in Singapore. They have promised never to put it into action, but on paper it's there.

3. A book I love
In real life, maybe To Kill A Mockingbird or The Book Thief. On Wattpad, I love pretty much anything by hellmiina.

4. Bullet my whole day
6.30 am Wake up, change, pushups and sit-ups (my parents make me exercise every morning) and breakfast.
7.10 am Walk to school.
7.20 am Arrive at school, get settled, do last-minute homework.
7.50 am School starts.
8 am Language Arts class — ignore it and go on Wattpad instead.
9 am Physical Education — we learned CPR today.
10 am Drama class — get frustrated by my classmates' utter inability to act. (Sorry, guys. I love you, but you really can't. You know who you are :D.)
11 am Recess — relax and check Wattpad.
11.30 am Maths — ignore because I understand the stuff and try to get on Wattpad but the teacher is paying too close attention. Resort to daydreaming instead.
12.30 pm Science — daydream more.
1.30 pm PM time — free period yayyy! Usually we get yelled at by our form teacher, but today he wasn't here.
2 pm Lunch and then stay back for group project.
3.30 pm Give up on group project and go home. Nearly die because IT'S SO HOT DANGIT GLOBAL WARMING
3.50 pm Get home, rip off mask, check on parents, shower.
4.20 pm Procrastinate homework and writing.
5.30 pm Singing class.
6 pm Piano class.
6.45 pm Dinner
8 pm Check Wattpad.
8.01 pm Realise I got tagged.
8.05 pm Start writing this.
8.10 pm Get called away.
8.15 pm Watch a show with my family
10.30 pm Bed
9 am Wake up.
9.15 am Go online, realise that my parents have changed my screentime restrictions so I can only get online at 10.30. Be really really mad but be unable to do anything.
10.30 am Go online after over an hour of boredom and realise that they have been changed yet again so I can only get online at 11. Do not fight it due to having given up on any sense of autonomy whatsoever.
11 am Finally get online and continue writing this.

5. Things I want to say to an ex
I haven't had an ex. I probably haven't even had a proper crush,

6. My views on mainstream music
I'm not a big fan of k-pop, but I also don't like it when people hate on it. I don't mind most mainstream music, although I personally listen exclusively to Alec Benjamin.

7. Five pet peeves
- Inconsiderate people
- My hair when it gets in my face
- When my pyjamas get all sweaty and icky because it's too hot but I can't be bothered to get out of bed to change or to make the air conditioning colder because that would wake me up even more
- When my parents make decisions I can't object to because I know that it's the best for me but I really just don't want to do it
- My brother

8. What I ate today
Some papaya fruit and a bit of cereal.

9. How important I think education is
Very important, if not only for learning then for socialisation. Even if we don't use half the stuff we learn, it teaches us patience as well as how to shut up and do stuff we hate.

10. I don't have a music player, but I can guarantee that it would all be by Alec Benjamin.

11. I have two brothers, a mother and a father.

12. I'm not interested yet. In boys or girls. However, I did have an infatuation with Shawn Mendes when I was eleven, if that counts.

13. I like my face and hair, but I feel like I'm not thin enough. I'm also really heavy.

14. A pair of light brown corduroy shorts and a bleach-dyed t-shirt I made myself.

15. I'm a Scorpio, and I think that suits me.

16. What if everyone on earth was a good person?

17. I'm proud that I got into NJC, my school of choice, after PSLE.

18. An overwhelming sense of how pointless everything is and not wanting to do anything because what's the point?

19. Nothing, really.

20. My family dying, living an unhappy life, people who are smarter than me (yes I know how pretentious that sounds but it's true), Chinese exams

21. Me being a famous actress who is completely satisfied in my life, surrounded by people I care about.

22. Pretty dang good, if I say so myself, especially considering that I don't work very hard.

23. I miss being seven and completely confident that I could do anything.

24. "I don't like you", my default reply to anything my brother says, "I'll defenestrate you," a phrase my older brother taught my younger one, and a bunch of others I can't remember.

25. Me not being a good enough daughter.

26. I like my intelligence and my compassion but not my very very very extreme mood swings and self-doubt.

"Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can."
By John Wesley

28. I want to live in Canada or Australia.

29. Listening to audiobooks in the dark, dark humour, grey, staying at home, but also school somehow.

30. Nothing really. The future is bleak.

Well, that was interesting. Thanks!

I tag whoever wants to do this.

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