Secrets Out

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Steve, Alex and Chin were chasing a suspect downtown on foot Kono and Bradley who had recently joined the task force were going to cut their suspect off. Steve kept running after the guy when Alex and Chin saw something on a magazine stand, they both stopped and picked up a local magazine, "I don't believe this" said Alex, flicking through what was a five page spread on Steve and Paris. "Oh Steve is going to go right off" said Chin. "Someone leaked out that Steve and Paris are expecting a baby and everything else along with it" said Alex. "I can only think of two people who would do that" said Chin. Steve tackled their suspect to the ground, as Kono and Bradley rounded the corner, he handcuffed the guy as Alex and Chin and Alex caught up, "We have a problem or to put it more rightly you and Paris have a problem" said Alex. "What do you mean by that" said Steve, standing back up. "Someone leaked out that you and Paris are expecting a baby" said Alex. "I want to see Danny back in my office when I get back to Five-O" said Steve. "I'll drop by his place with Bradley and we'll pick him up" said Alex. "Yep and I'll be back when I'm back" said Steve, before heading off. Keoni handed Malia the same magazine spread when she came into the shop, "This is bad very bad" said Malia. "I know and not only that but we are all fully mentioned in that article and some of those pictures are meant to be kept private for our sake" said Keoni. Malia looked at him, "I'll inform Paris and I'm betting that Steve will be by soon as well" said Malia. Keoni headed out back to the workshop as Paris came in, she was now going on six months pregnant and her and Steve couldn't be anymore happier about it but some other people had other ideas. "How do I put this, someone leaked out that you and Steve are expecting a baby to the biggest local magazine on the island" said Malia. " What who would do such a thing" said Paris, as Malia gave her the magazine. "It's a five page spread and it pretty much covers all of us as well" said Malia. "We're all icons in the surfing world and not a bad word has been said about us until now" said Paris, slightly rubbing her baby bump. "I know and I have no idea what the backlash of this is going to be like" said Malia, lookin at her sister. Steve then arrived and he still he on both thigh holsters, "I'm guessing you've both soon the front page headline" said Steve, as he walked over to the counter. "Yes and the way they've made us sound in here Steve it's like were horrible people" said Paris. "Trust me Paris we are not and I've got Alex and Bradley picking up Danny" said Steve. "Thought you suspended him two months ago for crossing that line again" said Malia. "I did and if I'm right he probably helped my bitch of an ex wife exploit our lives" said Steve. "Well that's all we need then isn't because I'm now the role model for those who get pregnant by their boyfriend when they haven't been together for that long" said Paris. Steve walked around the counter to Paris, he put his hands on her face and leaned his forehead aganist hers, "That is not true Paris not at all" said Steve. "And half of it ain't even true, it's just a poly to make us look bad" said Malia. "Sounds about right" said Paris, before Steve kissed her. His phone then went, "McGarrett, what Sir you want to see us both why, we'll be there" said Steve, before he hung up. "The Governor wants to see us both Paris" said Steve, placing a hand on her baby bump. "Why" said Paris, looking at him. "Something about wanting answers" said Steve. " I've got things covered here" said Malia. "All I need" said Paris, before leaving with Steve.

Danny was not expecting to have his door kicked in by Alex and Bradley but that's what happened, "Hands up Williams your coming up with us" said Alex, as he pointed his gun at Danny. "Why what did I do, did Steve send you guys cause he already destroyed my career with Five-O once" said Danny. "Then join HPD and if anything you just expolited out him and Paris to the whole island of O'ahu and Paris is a role model a surfer and she good at what she does, but that image is kind of tainted now" said Bradley, as he handcuffed Danny. "Steve did that when he knocked her up" said Danny. "Oh this guy is funny" said Alex, before he punched Danny in the face. "Next time I'll be less friendly" said Alex, as they walked him out in handcuffs.

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