Welcome to My Gala Princess (Mod/Royal Kylo x Reader AU!)

Start from the beginning

"There you are finally I thought I told you Juila to make things quick!"

Juila lets go of your hand and bows to your mother, keeping her eyes on the ground. "My apologies Duchess, it won't happen again."

"You're bloody right it won't. You are lucky I haven't sold you off yet filthy maid." You rolls your eyes and offer juila a small smile, she makes eye contact with you and nods you watch as she shuffles quickly back into the house and closes the door behind her. Then your gaze meets your mothers. 

"Well look at you. Maybe this time you can be of use to this family and finally catch a man's attention. Get in, I'm not getting any younger dear. The Gala and all of those beastly men await."

You lift your dress and scoot into the coach closing the door behind you, gazing out the window your mothers voice makes you flinch a little.

"Sit up straight lord forbid you look younger than you are, you need to attract suitors not make them run away." You huff in annoyance. "I don't want to hear your attitude you need to shape up if you're going to marry a man sooner or later, men don't like disobient wives dearest."

"Yes mother." You roll your eyes again.

"Y/n you mustn't take this opportunity lightly. Lord Ren's Gala is the biggest event of the time, he's drowning in wealth that man. So wealthy he's made sure no one, not even the other lords have gotten a good look at him, how posh. He could have any woman he wanted, that is if he showed up to his own event's of course." Your eyebrows furrow.

"He doesn't show up to his own parties? What a parvenu." You laugh a bit to yourself.

"Y/N! Do not use language like that when speaking about a man of such high power, you're going to get us killed insolent child!" Your mother growls at you, her distain for you evident on her face. 

You pull your gaze away from her now staring out the window again, watching as the rolling hills glisten in the moonlight and the warm summer breeze hits your face. You watch the hills turn into fields of grass, and the grass turn into sunflowers which you can't admire fully in the darkness of the evening. 

To be in truth, you didn't want to wed at all if you didn't have to. The idea of romance being just a silly daydream for a woman; being wed disappointed you and made you feel empty inside. You felt no comfort knowing that you were going to catch eyes of rich noblemen who would watn to court you right there, you only felt the overwhelming feeling of numbness. The coach hits a couple bumps as you pull up to Ren's manor, your mouth hangs open as you step out of the coach. A tall manor with a black marble exterior and gold trimmings, marble white steps leading up to the manor filled with gossiping lads and ladies with all high-standing based on their attire, and finally a black gate surrounding the courtyard with lush greenery everywhere. A nudge on your backside makes you skip off the step of the coach, your mother irriated looking steps out after you. 

Still gawking at Lord Ren's manor your mother links her arm into yours. "Now remember y/n smile and bow at every man that makes eye contact with you, except for the one's without crests those men are just simple dukes. Remember we want the big fishes hm. And for lord heavens, do not speak out of turn and embarrass me." 

You and your mother walk up the steps of the manor, she waves and nods to people as you both walk up to the glass doorway. 

"Last name ladies?" A tall man in a black suit cocks his brow upward looking at your mother, his faces softening when he looks at you smiling slightly now. You could care less. 

"Duchess L/N and my daughter Y/N L/N." Your mother smiles sweetly as she bats her eyes at the man. He looks at his parchment and smiles back at you both. 

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