Your heart skipped a beat when the villain chuckled, holding his arms out in victory. "Oh, how naive you are! While you were monologuing, I set a dummy pair. You see, I switched them out. You may be children but I'm not stupid enough to let you have all the fun, am I?"

He opened his mouth, two blue marbles settling on his tongue. "No!" The dark haired villain turned to you, pointing in your direction. "What about her?" He shrugged, trying to find the right words as he watched you. "She was a difficult catch, I must say." 

The other growled, sending flames in your direction. "We have orders, and I fancy keeping my head." You rolled out of the way, trying to make your way towards the masked male. "Y/N! Get back!" You ignored Midoriya's desperate requests and made your way forward dodging the attacks the older villain sent your way. 

"Well, i'll be heading back. Thank you, for making an audience-" A blue laser hit the masked man square in the jaw, causing him to stumble as the marbles fell from his mouth. Ayouma.... You snapped out of it and ran forwards, accompanied by Shoto and Shoji. 

You stopped as the two boys gained lead way on you, their hands centimetres away from the marbles. Shoji managed to catch his, only to have Shoto slip. His fingers grazed the glass before falling down, allowing the other villain to swipe it out of the air before him. 

"Too bad....Shoto Todoroki." Your eyes widened. He knows our names.... "My show's ruined." You balled your fists in anger. It cant end like this. Not now. "Confirm it, now" The masked villain nodded and snapped his fingers, the marble in the other's hand shattering. Bakugou stumbled forward, only to be pulled backwards as a hand was wrapped around his throat. 

"Katsuki!" You screamed, your voice raising above the others. You could feel your blood surge, every vein in your body popping as you pushed off the ground. But as you flt yourself moving, a sudden wave of regret formed over you. You were scared. 

You can stay back, you know. 

You can be selfish

You deserve too. Haven't you done enough for him? Do it, save yourself. 


You surged forwards, your feet moving for you. Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you ran forward. The dark haired villain smiled, his eyes squinting as he watched you approach. You slid across the ground, kicking is legs out from under him and grabbing Bakugou's shirt. 

Entertainer ripped away Bakugou from your grasp, restraining you only to have you push back and send your elbow into his jaw. He grimaced and stumbled backwards, giving you enough room to jump and send a kick to the other villains head. 

Just as quickly as your victory had come, it was taken from you as you became surrounded. You desperately fought off the others, but you were soon cornered as the cold metal of a blade was pressed against your neck the second you turned your back. 

They had recaptured Bakugou, and were now holding you down as you struggled to break free. "You sacrificed yourself for him? How selfless. You belong to us, F/N L/N" Your body fell limp as you were dragged backwards, your body beginning to become encased in a dark mist.

"Fight Y/N!" Shoto yelled after you, his legs moving quickly as he began to run to you. His eyes were strong with emotion, tears beginning to fall and staining his already blotched cheeks. "Come to me!" You let your hair fall over your face in defeat. 

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن