𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐄 "america"

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AS ELYSE ZIPPED UP HER LAST BAG SHE LOOKED AROUND HER NOW VERY PLAIN BEDROOM. All of her childhood memories were formed here and now she was going to have to form some more in some other place.

In full honestly, she was happy that Schneider, the family friend, was kind enough to give herself her very own apartment, for privacy reasons. She was very thankful.

Her parents had passed away in a freak accident that left the whole town feeling terrible for the young brunette. So she decided enough was enough and she was moving to America.

Her Aunt and Uncle had helped her scrape up enough money to buy a plane ticket to America, where she would be picked up by Schneider.

The twelve year old pulled her bag over her shoulder and grabbed ahold of her suitcase, dragging it into the living room where her Aunt and Uncle stood, tears clouding their eyes.

Elyse smiled softly as them and walked forward, pulling both of them into a ginormous hug. "Vous allez me manquer les gars."

Her Aunt sniffled as she wiped her tears with a tissue. "Nous aussi, Elyse." They pulled away and her Uncle ruffled her hair, causing the young girl to swat his hands away.

"Call us." Her Aunt instructed as she exited the door. Elyse nodded and shut the door, letting out a huge breath before she started her walk to the airport.

She had been through many flights but this one was nerve racking. She guessed it was because she was moving.

Once Elyse had gotten settled in, got her bags check, and boarded the plane, she got settled in her seat next to a very white lady. She could tell that she wasn't from around here because her shirt had the words: 'Make America Great Again' on them.

Elyse grimaced at her shirt but decided to ignore it and hide the bisexual pin that was on her bag.

After a few minutes of just sitting there, the plane took off and Elyse closed her eyes, finally letting herself get some sleep.

vous me manquerez les gars (i'll miss you guys)
Nous aussi, elyse (us too, elyse)

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