Go For Boardwalk!

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Dear Coach,

You've given so many pre-game speeches that I think you ran out of ideas. The Monopoly speech was okay. "Go for Boardwalk!" At least that has a bit of sense to it.

The whole, "This school was built in *insert a different year every time*, and I keep telling you guys- they built it too small!!" is getting kind of old. My dad came to a game because I'd been sharing stories about you for some time, and he listened in during one of those speeches. My dad preceded to tell me it sounded just like the speeches companies give all the time, "Each person needs to do their best to make this company the best it can be, yadda yadda." I thought it was quite hilarious and had to struggle not to laugh.

I think the assistant Coach is catching on, that I'm not as serious as they are...

P.S. He's right, but I genuinely enjoy playing lacrosse and hanging with approximately five members of the team. That's enough for me.

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