Chp:1: something in my basement

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Kiri's POV

Alright Imma be honest.......I tried summoning a was a dare then it turned into a bet but I this wasn't any demon I was trying to summon HIM yep that one but, I was lucky enough to know that it didn't work.
So I went to bed last night and after I closed the door and took 3 steps away from the damn thing something fell it literally scared the fucking shit out of me but I brushed it off and went to bed I have school tomorrow so I'll check it when I get home.
[Time skip to after school]

Kami's POV

"Kirishima wait" I ran as fast as I can to catch up with him the others were already with him. "Oh I forgot to ask did anything happen last night"? Mina asked Kirishima "Yeah as soon as I left the basement something fell I'm going to see what it was when I get home" Kirishima responds with a shakey voice. "Yo bro if anything happens call me" I told him walking into my yard "cya kaminari"

Kiris POV:

I got home to see that the basement door was cracked I opened it to realize it had claw like marks on it.I closed it very quickly when I heard no seen something move at the bottom.It had red eyes what the fuck was that "ok let's not think about this and take a shower" I say to myself before going upstairs and taking a shower. I was talking a shower and I hear scratching underneath me and if that demon wanted to fucking mess with me imma kill it I swear, After my shower I went downstairs to get my delivered food from the door and I walked to the kitchen and heard scratching on the basement door and had enough I opened the basement door and saw the figure and started walking down the steps. I flip the light on it didn't cover all of my basement but at least I could see it was brighter than the other one. I stood at the bottom of my stairs and my eyes were big as a cats and I see the most HORRIFYING thing I saw it and it was HIM!

Who is HIM....Well HE is a "fictional character " that was told to little kids if they didn't behave there was a very creepy and demonic boy who'd take your soul, cut/rip you in pieces and eat your bare flesh. HE has ash blonde hair, glowing deep red eyes, teeth sharp as a vampire that's sharper than mine ,a personality of a spoiled brat that has a way better chance of getting a date before Mineta, a REALLY HOT body (Gay panic) and a very nice jawline, his voice would make you trust him in a heartbeat it's so deep and HOT. What's HIS Name, HIS name is KATSUKI BAKUGOU

490 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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