Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: All rights go to Cassandra Clare, except for my OC and my original events that I have created to make the story run smoothly.

If there are cliffhangers you will know that this book is going to be very short compared to the others.

This book is going to be in Sarah's first person point of view, and if I ever change the point of view I'll give you a heads up the chapter before.

Since I just wrote my author's note here, I'm not going to write one in the end.






I woke when a beam of light struck me in the eye. I winced when I heard the sound of my phone go off, and was reluctant to even try to answer it. I wanted to just go back to sleep, but this was Idris calling for me to go to accept a mission. I picked up my phone and put to my ear.

"Sarah, you are needed in the New York Institute as soon as possible," the clave leader said.

"I'll be right there, but first let me get dressed. I just woke up," I snapped at him, my British accent was heard clearly.

"Alright, but be fast, the plane leaves at 12:30 pm," he said.

"Fine," I replied, hanging up on him.

I wish I was just an ordinary young girl that didn't have to take on any more missions. I haven't been able to fall in love with anyone, and I'm already 16 years old. I've had a best friend, but we met when I was on a mission in Florida trying to get rid of a whole load of crazy demons that wanted to take over the whole. We were partnered up to defeat all the annoying little monsters.

I ran into my closet pulling out my light pink dress and pink heels, and ran the brush through my hair. My hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. I was ready to go on th airplane now, so I ran for the airport where I went through security and sat down in the gate that I was signed to. I waited thinking about Angel. Angel was the name of my best friend from twelve years ago.

I was young, and we were both living in the same orphanage. I never fit in with anyone, they always thought that I was weird. I never belonged with the kids in the orphanage, but Angel came up to me one day, and asked me to be his friend. Ever since then, I was feeling more like a person that was able to live without fighting against being myself.

I boarded the plane as the second person, and once everyone was boarded on the plane, I sat down in the seat I was assigned to. I was going to New York. There were more than twenty demon roaming the state of New York, or I wouldn't be called out to help them.

The ride was very long and boring, but I made it through without falling sleep. I had got a book called Twilight from the bookstore before boarding the plane because I knew I was going to get bored. If I wasn't reading, I probably would have fallen asleep in the first ten minutes of the plane ride. My suitcase was coming towards me, and I grabbed it with a smooth swoop down and tough pull. I was going to take a taxi to the block before the Institute.

I walked around the people that were standing in the baggage claim area gathering their luggage. I turned a little too suddenly and bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," I said. I was still looking down as to not see who I bumped into. I just tried to move around the person in front of me, but the person got in my way again. "May I go through?" I asked, my eyes still focused on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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