
Hours later and the twins are happily in Cara's backyard with all their new gifts and playing with their friends. We can see them from Cara's patio a floor above and their laughter is infectious, carrying all the way up. I turn to my best friend, so grateful but also semi-annoyed for how much she spoiled them both. Ashley's hand is wrapped tightly with Cara's and I've never seen her so happy. I'm beyond grateful Cara found love again. Selfishly, it gives me hope someday I may fall in love again too, but after seeing Taylor yesterday I know I'll never love anybody as much as I love her, I know I'll never feel about anyone the way I feel about her. She sets my world on fire, but I'm okay with being ashes from her fire because for a while there, she kept me warm.

"You really, REALLY shouldn't have gotten them so much stuff, you show-off, English wanker." I say, taking a long sip of my champagne and watching Ellie run around with her new huge stuffed unicorn. It's almost bigger than she is and she can barely see where she's going as Archie chases after her in his new astronaut costume. Ash is watching too, she loves the kids and so far, has been really good with them. They even call her Aunty Benzo these days.

"I actually did, Kloss. Those kids deserve it! And plus, I got you something too, it should be here soon. If you're nice to me, I'll let you use my room for it," she wiggles her eyebrows at me and I groan, getting the feeling my gift is less of an object and more of an experience. A version of Vegas 2.0 from when Cara and I were just starting out, before the twins lived with me and back in Cara's wild days. That weekend involved a lot of shots, strip poker and socks-on-the-door so to speak.

"Please just tell me it's not another fucking stripper, please god not again." I sigh. Ash laughs as she watches my face, Cara is shrugging and chugging down her own glass of champagne. "God, Cara! What about the twins?!"

"What about them? They're gonna have to learn about the dirty deed someday! Birds and birds and bees and bees and birds." She rattles on, clearly wanting to be inclusive of the community we both were staunchly part of. I roll my eyes, taking another sip of champagne. I was so not ready to have the s-e-x talk yet.

"Someday far, far away... but not today. Cancel the fucking stripper." I laugh. Luke walks over, his little boy perched on his shoulders. I wave to my nephew; he's grown up so much since I saw him last, not that long ago, but he's now almost one and the sweetest little thing.

"Luke squared, welcome to the fun side of the party." I joke, as I stick out my tongue at Luke Jnr causing him to giggle rambunctiously. "Where's Martha?"

"Bathroom." Luke deadpans and I raise my eyebrows. I'm 99% sure Martha's pregnant again. I'll be wholly unsurprised if 'bathroom' is code for puking. We get lost in conversation about life and parenthood. Martha reappears and I give her a knowing glance, but she waves me off and I don't push. It's another beautiful Spring day. Not too cool but sunny. The Twins rush over to us, begging their uncle Luke to let them play with the baby. They adore their cousin and they kept asking when either Cara or I was going to have a baby. Maybe I really did need to have the sex talk with them. As if they heard my thoughts, Ellie looks over to me from the patio sofa as Luke put the baby in her little lap.

"Mommy, can we PLEASE have a baby brother or sister?" She says.

"You have Benji, babe. Don't push it." I laugh and Cara does too, but Ashley just smiles at Ellie's innocence. Two kids as a single mom was plenty for now. Maybe someday but not now.

"Aunty Cara – will you have a baby with Aunty Benzo soon?" Ellie looks to Cara, expectantly and hopefully. I choke on my champagne because I;'m laughing so hard at my best friend's horrified face.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered (Kaylor) || ONGOING (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now