Trying To Heal

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3rd person POV

For the next few days Mark stayed in his room silently separating himself for the world. None of his friends other then James knew what happened as he asked his friend not to talk about the matter, others only knew of Mark being sick but not the reason why?

Even when he started going back to collage after having missed weeks worth of lectures he would keep to himself and avoid conversations. The only time he spoke was when they sat down together to study, he'd help his friends when asked and then shut himself back to his own world and it became a mutual understanding between friends to not force him to speak unless he wants to.

"So...Should we go out to eat after this?" asked Kamphan in the middle of there study.

"Yeah I was thinking the same, it's been more then a month since we hung out simply for fun." Fuse said enforcing the idea.

"I don't know maybe we can." James said looking at Mark as if to question the boy for his opinion.

Mark lift his head from his book and looked at his friends in confusion as all their eyes were now staring at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" asked the boy still in confusion. "Let's just go out, I do miss the fun." He added with a smile on his face not his natural joyful smile but obviously a forced one.

The other boys just smiled back before turning their focus back to the books, discomfort written on there faces but no words were said.

They packed their stuff and head to their favourite eating place after with an awkward silence between them.

"So what are we going to eat?" asked Mark breaking the ice. He didn't like the awkwardness either, they were his friends but they had to be careful around him and he hated that he had created a thick barrier around his friends which they were trying to break but were unable to do so.

"Umm..." Fuse started speaking but being confused he stopped.

"What do you want to eat?" asked James

"Anything is fine, I am just hungry." Mark replied grabbing his stomach, that helped lighten the thick atmosphere and they started having a casual conversation, Mark being a part of it this time.

They arrived at the restaurant, all of them actually having a fun chat at this point until Mark froze in the restaurant's door. James followed the boy's eyes which were staring at the figure of their senior sitting with his friends, whose eyes were also staring back at his friend. He gave Vee a death glare before turning around and patting on Mark's shoulder to get his attention.

"Let's go somewhere else, I don't feel like eating here." He said and the other two friends just nodded, they might not have known the full story but they were not oblivious as to what was wrong.

"Why?" Mark questioned with a nervous smile on his face. "Why should we leave? we like to eat here so let's just eat." He added still smiling nervously before walking inside towards an empty table and his friends just followed behind. Everyone knew he was pretending but no one questioned him.

Vee just pulled his gaze back to his food pretending not to care, he actually didn't try to get near the boy for almost 2 months now or more like everyone around him didn't let him go near the younger but looking at the junior now he himself had no courage to look at him so he just looked down at his food hoping for the earth to swallow him.

Once again there was that awkward thick barrier around Mark and no words were spoken, they just quietly ate with Mark just playing with his before he reluctantly ate not wanting to waste food and they just left after finishing.

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