I sit myself upright and wait for her to lift up her shirt before wrapping the tape around the smallest part of her slim waist.

"And I thought I would be the only one who would get to see that," Calum says with a cheeky grin while standing in my doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand as he stares at Julia's midriff.

"Please, I've seen more of her than I would have liked before you came along," I joke, although it is true. After years of living with Julia, I can easily recall of all the freckles and moles that are hidden on her body.

"I'm pretty sure there's one place that I've seen and you haven't," he says with a sly grin and subtle wink.

My face contours into disgust and he laughs at my reaction. Pervert.

Julia giggles like it's nothing and jots down her waist size and selects the size medium on the website. "Em, what are you wearing tonight to the firework show?" she asks and grabs one of the many gift cards that her grandparents got her for Christmas and inputs the card number to pay.

We all made plans to go downtown where a fireworks show will be held to celebrate the New Year. There will be a lot of vendors selling food, drinks, and game booths for the kids will be available but abused by childlike adults who just want a stuffed teddy bear as a prize. I don't know all the detail regarding these plans except for the fact that I'm going, but I'm trying not to make a fuss about the hidden details.  

I look down to my baggy sweatshirt and leggings and deem it as an appropriate outfit for an outing. "This?"

"Come on, Emmie," Calum huffs, "Spice it up a little. Show some skin. Make Ashton drool and want to take you right then and there at the very sight of you. I mean he probably already wants to, but dressing up might make Pinocchio's nose grow without having to tell a lie if you know what I mean."

"I got it, Calum," I groan, not wanting to hear any more suggestions or sexual innuendos that defile Disney characters.

"Calum may have a point," Julia says. "Why not switch things up?"

"Because Ashton likes the way I dress and I don't have any intention of changing myself for the benefit of others," I answer simply. "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Ash: the day I dress for a man is the day they dress me to meet Jesus."

Calum snaps his fingers from side-to-side and says in his sassiest tone, "You go girl," before we burst into a fit of laughter.

There's no point in changing my appearance if Ashton doesn't give a damn. Just because a new year is upon us doesn't mean that I have to change myself. He likes whatever I wear and if I want to pretty myself up for him then I will when the time comes, but as of right now, impressing him isn't my priority.

My attention drifts to my phone vibrating next to me. I open up the new text message and a grin overtakes my face.

"Come over already," Ashton's message reads. "I miss you and I don't want to drive with Mikey. If you recall, the last time he was in my car he threw up." Michael is never going to live that down.

I shift my gaze away from my phone and glance over to Julia and Calum. "Are you guys ready to leave?" I ask. "Ashton wants us to come over now."

"Aw, is Ashy missing you already?" Calum coos mockingly.

"No," I lie, but he can see right through me.

"Tell him we'll be over in ten minutes," Julia says with her eyes glued to the computer screen, engrossed in her shopping. "I'm almost done, just let me finish paying and we can go."

Paint You Wings // Ashton Irwin [au] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora