Start from the beginning

As the team ran towards her they watched in horror as to what was happening, Agnar noticed her current state and kept them back but Jim kept running "Liz!" he called out.

Standing up she stumbled as her body and mind were fighting one another, her eyes kept flickering from purple to white and she was slowly losing control.

Dandril relished this moment as he saw the pain and confusion she felt. Looking up at Jim as he ran towards her she winced in fear and pain before her mind finally accepted this fight. Gathering the energy in her hands she blasted it towards Jim, he gasped and summoned his shield to protect himself, and with the power of the stone in his amulet it managed to absorb the hit. He looked at her in shock and fear.

She used what consciousness she had left and tried to direct her attention to Dandril, he chuckled tauntingly as he said "you can't fight me and yourself at the same time." he told her.

Scowling she tried to fly after him but her eyes fluttered close as she only ended up tumbling back down, her body was too weak to fight him, and her spirit was still mostly alive. As she stood on her knees she tried to hit him again but her body wouldn't allow and she fell back down.

Agnar finally understood what they had done to her, he looked at them all and told them "go to her!" he ran to Dandril and grabbed his legs before throwing him as far away from them as possible.

Jim flipped her over and gasped as he saw her eyes, they were glowing white but he could tell she was afraid "what did he do to you?"

Toby noticed her hands "um guys?" he pointed to her hands "look!"

Claire noticed her hand as it was twitching trying to form some energy "something is wrong with her, its like shes trying to attack us." she noted.

Blinky placed his hand on her forehead making her scowl "shes fighting something else."

As she gathered enough energy in her hands she tried to attack them all but she grunted when the pain returned again, screaming in pain she scared them all, jim cradled her in his arms "she's fighting herself." he told.

Her vision was blurry, as she looked around her their faces were all blurred and buzzy. The buzzing in her mind made her feel weaker.

As Agnar fought with Dandril he asked "what did you do to her?!"

"Nothing, she still has her light doesn't she?" he asked smugly as he tried to attack him with a shard "isn't that what you wanted?"

He frowned, before this fight could go any further he heard her scream. Looking back at the smirking Dandril he told "I'll deal with you, just you wait" teleporting to them all he told them "get ready!"

They all gathered around him and Jim picked Elizabeth up. At this point she was too weak to fight any of them, but her spirit still wanted to fight. As they teleported home, Jim placed Elizabeth down. Her eyes were still white and she was still on the defence. Blasting them all away from her it caused another wave of pain to hit her but she walked it off.

The parents ran to them but Claire and Marc kept Elizabeth's parents away from her "bad time to hug Mr and Mrs W" He said as he kept the back.

Merlin walked towards her, she fell to her knees before she could blast him "what happened to you my dear?" He wondered as he sat down next to her.

Agnar explained "I know exactly what happened" he lifted her up by her feet "She's been poisoned." He told.

Jim gasped in horror "but she's been far away from Dandril, there's no way he could've managed to do that!"

Marc shook his head and pursed his lips, anger boiling within him "he had, allies." His words caught all of their attention "my dad works for Dandril, he poisoned her."

"With what?" Blinky asked "there must be something that can heal her."

He explained to them all and walked to her, he noticed how dizzy she became "I was there with him when he made it" he said "he used the same serum that was used on Agnar when he attacked trollmarket"

Maya looked at her daughter in worry as she saw her thrash around "how do we get it out of her"

Barbra told them "if it's in her blood we can extract it somehow?" she hoped there was a way.

Agnar placed Elizabeth down and controlled her body "there is a way."

Jim asked worriedly "will it hurt her?"

He shook his head "no, but she will be dizzy once its over" he looked at them all "I suggest you back away" As they backed away they looked in worry as the saw her try to fight back but only hurt herself even more "Elizabeth, this won't hurt I promise you"

As her body began to thrash the sweat on her face turned to a dark black, he slowly moved the poison out of her as it flowed from her body and flowed to her throat. She began coughing and her eyes slowly began flickering back to purple. After making sure that he had removed the serum from her body and to her mouth, he pulled it away and threw it to the ground.

Her coughing became erratic and her head hung low, he gently lowered her and Jim was quick to catch her before she fell down. Opening her eyes they glowed for a moment before returning to purple, she looked up and smiled when she saw Jim "hey Jimbo." she whispered hoarsely.

He laughed happily and held her close "she's okay!" he exclaimed he placed his hand on her cheek "you're okay.."

she chuckled before coughing again "yeah but I can't feel my legs." she said jokingly but she was fearful.

her parents sat down next to her, Jim politely stood up letting her family talk with her "you've got a lot of explaining to do Eliza" her father said but he smiled as he saw that she was safe and alright.

her mother push the hair away from her face "are we allowed to ground you from your missions?" she asked lightheartedly.

chuckling she shook her head "after all of this is over sure, but right now I just really feel like sleeping" she said tiredly her eyes slowly beginning to flutter close.

Merlin was thinking to himself intently, as he knew what was really wrong with her, and he knew exactly what she needed to do fix it. But he knew no one, would agree with his decision.

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