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           “Why you ungrateful little-” 

            “Oh, cry me a river!”

            Ah, I guess that means it’s time to wake up. It’s not that I enjoy hearing the sound of my sister and stepfather bickering in the early morning, but it saves me the trouble of setting an alarm for school. Viktor, the stepfather, is always yelling at Grace for petty things and Grace would always just fight back. As far as I know, Grace is the sweetest person alive but when it comes to Viktor, she’s the meanest chick I know. I don’t blame her though, Viktor is a piece of work. I never did understood why my mother had married him.

           Other kids would say that they miss their real dad but not me. I mean, why would I? He never stuck around long enough for my 1st birthday. Grace was four years old then and she misses him. Whenever I spoke poorly of him, she would stick up for him saying that he had his reasons to leave.

             I got out of bed and prepared for school. I was in a rush to go to school because school is just too damn awesome! But no, I love going to school because more school time means less time at home which also means that I don’t have to hang around Viktor. So I zipped past the kitchen, hoping Grace wouldn’t force me to eat breakfast, I saw that her bike wasn’t outside. I peeked into the kitchen to see if she had actually left early for school. Then, boo! She shoves a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

              “Remember, breakfast is an essential part of your day. Now here, finish up your cereal,” said Grace as she passed me the bowl and got ready for school.

              “Yes, I know. You’ve been telling me that every single morning,” I replied as I sat down on the kitchen stool to finish ‘my’ cereal.

              “Well, not yesterday when you sneaked out before having any breakfast,” Grace was pretty upset that I managed to sneak past her. What I don’t get is the reason she’s so upset about it. I mean, it’s just frigging breakfast.

                I finished up my cereal and dumped the bowl in the sink but as I was about to leave, Grace blocked my way. “What now?” I asked.

                “Nah uh. Wash your dishes. And hurry up, I don’t want to be late for school,” said Grace as I made my way to the sink to wash ‘my’ own dishes.

                 “Why do you even need to go to school? You graduated two years ago!” I grumpily mention to tick her off.

                  “Well, I need money to pay for my night classes in college and I ain’t going to ask Viktor to pay for me. Plus, I get to keep an eye on you in case you get handsy with your boyfriend,” Grace replied as she put on her jacket.

                   Grace is a substitute teacher at J.W. Perkins HS. She usually teaches the subjects that the teachers in my school hate to teach. For an example, gym class. 

                    We finally left for school, separately of course. I went on my bike and she went on hers. It was already sunny and bright so I put my aviators on. As I reached school, I was greeted by the oh-so-perky Bridget. I parked my bike and said ‘hey’ back. It’s not that I don’t like Bridget. Well, I didn’t at first but after awhile I got used to her. Bridget is what you call the ‘it girl’. She’s actually like the stereotype they make ‘it girls’ to  be in movies except she’s actually good friend when she needs to be.

                      “Well, I’m waiting for you to tell me. Though I should be mad that I didn’t hear it from you yourself first but since we’re best friends, I’ll let this one slide,” Bridget said as we were walking to our first class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2012 ⏰

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