⌜Kate's Goodbye⌟

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Sadly, I will no longer be posting my graphics in this book.

I have reached 101 chapters and I think it is time to move on.


New Graphic Portfolio: Serene

Graphics Competition: Viper Games


If you haven't already please follow me on my socials

Instagram: katetaylorgraphics

Tiktok: katetaylorgraphics

Deviantart: katetaylorgraphics/jelybeanies

note: I haven't posted anything on my deviantart yet, but I will soon.


In other devastating news, I am losing my grip strength on my right hand (which is my dominant hand) which has me crying. I literally cried over this. I am trying to cope with it, trying to go around it. This is a designer's worst nightmare. I have a splint on my hand at night and is painful come morning.

I will try to post one graphic every other week. I apologize to each and every one who I owe graphics to, I will try to get to them as soon as possible and I thank you for the patience.

For now, I am slowing down because my hand can't handle too much work. I work 40 hours a week + graphic designing can take a toll on one's hands.


I would like to thank each and everyone who has a been a part of my designing journey: my followers, dropping votes and comments, my supportive fellow designers.

I would also like to thank the people who requests graphics from me, you give me purpose and are the reason I am who I am today. If not for your requests, I would not have improved so much. I still have a long way to go but I would like to think I am not the same designer I was 7/8 years ago.

Since wattpad has closed down the forums, I have found a new home in Wacky writers, run by some of the best people I have met. I would like to thank the people who have set up wackywriters, they gave us a new home, a place to grieve what once was, a chance to reconnect and a chance to meet new people.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my long time friends who I met on wattpad, we've met a few years ago and have been in contact ever since, for sticking with me, my weirdness, supporting me, scolding me and so much more.

Lastly, I would like to thank the people who came to be my friends since I came back a few months ago, you know who you are. They are the nicest bunch of people I have ever met.

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