tell me dearheart

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Authors note-
This is my first fanfic, I hope you enjoy this short story:)

     It started off innocently enough, with geralt silently setting up a fire while jaskier sat beneath a humongous tree and composed a song about what he had enthusiastically dubbed "the fall of that god forsaken son of a whore".
       It started off equally innocently enough when geralt had done something he would never normaly do, he spoke freely with no prior thought or plan.just asked and spoke.
        "Jaskier?" suddenly the singing and Music that geralt grew to love( though a million soldiers and trained assassins could never drag that confession out of him) ceased. He was met with a warm and gentle grin as jaskier leant slightly closer, clutching his lute to his chest with his head to the side like a pup waiting for a treat.
       Geralt sighed and began speaking "you remember that night, with the godforsaken djin?" Jaskier nodded solemnly (he guessed it was because jaskier was remembereing his near death experience). The bard suddenly began to play a heart wrenching tune that Geralt recognised but could not for the life of him name.
"Yes, what of it my witcher?" He prompted with a sad yet genuine smile "i wondered-"
There was a loud crack as the fire died out causing both men to snap their heads up
"Fuck" Geralt stood "I'll get more fire wood, don't wonder off. wait here" Jaskier bounced up at that with a laugh"I'm fairly cap-"
"There are menowkas in these woods"
"On second thought, I'll guard the camp"
Geralt let out one of his rare chuckles at that "I won't be long" and with that Geralt went.
          Jaskier sat back beneath the tree, admiring  the full moon and it's otherworldly shine. When his self-pity was at it's hight,he grabbed his lute. He strummed gently with the same care you'd treat a newborn babe, then he began to sing, to pass time.Not to release pain (or so he told himself).

"The fairer sex, they often call it
But her love's as unfair as a crook
It steals all my reason
Commits every treason
Of logic, with naught but a look-"
A large calming sigh
"A storm breaking on the horizon
Of longing and heartache and lust
She's always bad news
It's always lose, lose
So tell me love, tell me love
How is that just?

But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss
Her sweet kiss
But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss

Her current is pulling you closer
And charging the hot, humid night
The red sky at dawn is giving a warning, you fool
Better stay out of sight
I'm weak my love, and I am wanting
If this is the path I must trudge
I welcome my sentence
Give to you my penance
Garrotter, jury and judge

But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss
Her sweet kiss
The story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss

But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss
Her sweet kiss
But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss
The story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss"
      With the last few words, his voice broke. He was unaware of his witcher's watchful eyes.
Geralt wondered what could possibly cause the younger man to write such a heartbreaking song. No. not what, but who. A rage filled him.who dared hurt jaskier this badly? Geralt tried to brush it off and walked past the tree (making sure to be louder than usual so that jaskier wouldn't be startled with a silent appearance) When Geralt was noticed, jaskier jumped up and glided over in his usual fashion "Oh, Geralt you're back! Thank the God's, I was beginning to fear I'd freeze to death" Geralt just hummed in response and began another fire "how long until we set off?"
"Tomorrow midday should be good" a sigh of relief "thank gods! I was not looking forward to arriving near cintra any sooner" another hum of agreement in response
"Oh, I almost forgot, what were you going to say before you went to gather wood?"Geralt sighed as the younger man waited.
"When dealing with the djin, I wondered what yennifer needed-" Jaskier winced at the name as though he just experienced a great loss "she wanted more power..right?" He asked.
Geralt hummed again, a question bouncing on the tip of his tongue "Jaskier, why do you detest her?"
" yennifer, she is not the most pleasant of people I'm well aware, but what exactly makes you hate her?" Jaskier had a list. He visited it often and made additions "Her voice, her hair and the way she holds herself higher Than all those around her. The fact that she almost killed a full town,her outfit choices and that face she makes when glaring at a fire. oh and the fact that she is sooo power hungry. And the Way she practices magic! I've seen many many witches and most of them don't include all the .. the things and theatrics. Did I mention she almost killed us all?" Geralt laughed at the bards passionate antics and stared up past the fire to see the usually joyful bards face.
A sorrowful smile crawled onto jaskiers lips as he added one last thing to the list of hatred "And although I can't explain, she stole what was never mine. What I had no right to crave or claim and flaunted it right beneath my nose to mock me." Geralt mused at this, he didn't see her steal anything yet jaskier was clearly hurt. His witcher senses were to be tested (if he could not see theft before his own eyes, how will he protect Jaskier and himself).
      Before Geralt got the chance to speak again, the bard tried to quickly avert the topic"anyway, let's not dwell on all that horse shit eh? What should we eat?" He grabbed for the bag and rummaged through it "AHA! We have some bread and cheese" he held them high like a glorious trophy and Geralt gladly complied.
         For the next half hour they ate In a comfortable silence. A silence that felt like a familiar blanket ensuring peace.Jaskier leaned against the tree in an almost laying position and began swaying his leg calmly as he ate and strummed (singing was a challenge while eating) meanwhile Geralt was still musing in a totaly offhand way. He usually didn't care for people wallowing in self-pity but this was jaskier, who always cared for him and always wore a genuine smile as infectious as the damn plague. He had to understand, especially jaskiers unintentional little riddle "Jaskier, what did she steal?"
"Hm?" The young bard looked back with a warm smile
"Yennifer, you said she stole what you did not have" whatever that meant
"Oh, it doesn't matter really. I'm just moping like a child " jaskier fumbled
" Humour me,What was it?" Geralt persisted in conversation for what was the first time in some many years
" don't worry yourself on my account dear witcher,it's not that important" he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Still Geralt persisted and didn't understand why
"Jaskier, you can spit it out. What did sh-"
"Why are you so engrossed?" Jaskier asked, not in a malicious way but with genuine curiosity. Geralt could find no answer "It really doesn't matter, don't worry" the bard said with a smile that seemed slightly more genuine yet equally as pained as the last "she must hav-" Geralt began but Jaskier was so tired and wrapped in his memories (along with his growing jealousy).Tired and so filled with emotion. He wasn't thinking straight and the words tumbled out before he could stop them or think them through "Dear Gods! It's YOU geralt!" That was met with a stunned silence "It has always been you geralt, since i was 18 .I tried to ignore it, I really did but how could I ever ignore you my dear witcher. Please don't think even less of me or send me away, I swear I will be quiet and I'll stop pestering. I swear it by the Gods,you won't even know I'm there"
             Geralts witcher mind clicked In that moment. He understood why he was so protective of the bard, why he was constantly thinking of him and why the other man had such an affect on him. He drew himself up and stood with an unreadable expression on his face. jaskier tried desperately to avoid eye contact. He would not look, he didn't want to see how furious or disgusted Geralt may be.
The witcher began to slowly walk toward the young bard, slow controlled movements. Jaskier looked toward the trees with an expression of worry (maybe fear?) And was clearly holding back tears. How could he not? He would surely be sent to the farthest part of the world.would Geralt be more angry or disgusted? The bard couldn't live with knowing that the man he loved detested him. How far away would Geralt send him?
Geralt stopped a short distance from Jaskier, focusing on the younger man's face. The bard gave in and stared back at him, taking in each scar and each aspect of the man before him . He loved him, should he explain himself? How would he put it into words? He would apologise instead, for being unable to control his emotions the way Geralt could and for being what seemed a constant nuisance. For being a stupidly love sick fool (he later put that phrase into his latest ballad).
Yes, he would apologise. He took in a shuddering breath and thought his words through. Fuck.why must he be cursed with such a blabbering mouth? He looked at the witcher before him and began to speak
"Geralt? If you send me away, I want to take an opportunity to say I'm so sorr- mpht" Geralt cupped the bards cheek and neck with the same gentle care you would treat a flower .He leaned in to connect their lips. The world seemed to make sense in that one moment. They stood like that, hands gently tugging through each others hair for what seemed a life time. A life that was much more comfortable than either man could imagine.
And jaskier was never happier.

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