Chapter 1

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Okay so I know I said I wouldn't be able to update any of my books until I get my part of a collab done, but my friend is asleep and probably won't be waking up for a couple hours maybe. I haven't gotten really any sleep sOoo why not update this?
Oh and btw this story might have cussing-
(Cuz of Bakugou and cuz I want to XD)

For some reason, I kept staring at Problem child. I can't figure out why. My heart skips a beat pretty much Everytime I'm around him. (Why do I feel cringy writing that??)
His cute face, those freckles, that hair..
What IS wrong with me?? That is fucking disgusting!  Shota stop it!! Ugh..I need a nap..
Once I was done getting mad at myself, I got into my sleeping bag. It took me a little while to get to sleep, but I eventually did.


When I was doing my work, I saw that Aizawa-Sensei looked mad. I couldn't really understand why. He was looking at me, but I haven't done anything wrong. At least, not that I know of. I just assumed he didn't get to sleep last night so that might be why he's angry. I brushed it off and continued doing my work.

* A time skip brought to you by a bored insecure nobody-*

After class was done I packed all my stuff up. I'm still kind of worrying about Aizawa-Sensei staring at me, because he hasn't stopped. I might ask him about it when everyone leaves.

I'm kind of worrying Izuku might've caught me staring at him. Who am I kidding? He probably did! Who would not catch some black haired, sleep deprived, old, caliper, looking man?!
"Aizawa-Sensei? Is everything alright? I've seen you staring at me and..I just wanted to ask if you were okay, and if I did something wrong what Im not aware of." When Izuku started talking I snapped out of my daze.
" Everything is fine, problem child. Now go, you have other classes." I saw a bit of concern in his eyes.
"O-Okay. Goodbye Aizawa-Sensei." I saw Izuku hurry off to his next class. When he was talking to me, my face felt red. I kept thinking: 'Okay, wtf is wrong with me??'
I kept asking myself that until I fell back asleep in my sleeping bag.
Sorry that it's short, my friend just woke up. I'll work on it later maybe. Okay goodbye! (つ≧▽≦)つ

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