|| Pain

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Unknown's POV~

The youth festival was on the door of the university. Everyone was busy with their task. Carter and Everly became closer and more affectionate to each other. They slowly became the adorable couple of uni.

Meanwhile, Mia and Daniel worked together to finish their task, but they continuously ended up having an argument. The atmosphere in the group was always tense during the lunch because of them. So Carter and Everly decided to talk with them.

“Did Daniel do something during your project?” Everly asked when they were alone in her room.

Mia didn't actually know how to respond. When she thought about it deeply he didn't actually do anything improper. He was always respected her distance but at the same time he never missed the chance to humiliate her.

“Mia I am asking you something.” Everly gently shook her.

Mia just shook her head in no. What can she say?? That he portray her as a cheap gold digger when she was actually trying to help him. He called her practically a whore who is ready to anyone just with money in their pocket.

She couldn't able to explain her feelings and burst into tears holding tightly on Everly. She couldn't find herself to erase the horrible memory of that night.

It was when they were coming out of Mr. James house when Daniel felt dizzy. She supported her to lift but soon she realized his body was burning in the fire.

“You are burning.” She said holding her back of hand against his cheek.

“I am fine I just need some rest. May be due to the party last night my body is exhausted.” Daniel replied lazily.

As soon as they reached to Daniel's car he zoned out on the spot. Fortunately the guard came to her rescue and helped her to board him in the car.

She drove them to his penthouse. They all have their own penthouse, of course they were all filthy rich.

She again took the help of guard but this time Daniel stirred in his consciousness. Mia took this opportunity to ask him about his penthouse code, so she could lead him in.

Both of them entered into the house, and she quickly led him to the nearest bedroom. Luckily it was his.

She called the nearest pharmacy for medicine of flue and some antibiotics. She was going to see if it's a mild fever due to exhaustion or flue.

Now the biggest challenge was to change his clothes. She wondered around his closet and find some fresh clothes.

Now how she was going to change his clothes. She quickly covered his body with white sheets like she had seen in few movies and tried to remove his clothes. But it was more difficult than she imagines.

How they do it in movies???

Forget it... anyway half of the girl of the city has already seen his body. What change there will be if I also see some.

She thought to herself and tore Sheet of his body. She quickly changed him into his track pants. She tried as much as she could to do all that with closed eyes.

Then she quickly went to the kitchen to make some soup or something for him to eat before giving medicine. Mia wasn't the best cook, not the average if someone asked seriously, but she knew the basics.

She quickly found some ingredients for chicken soup in freeze and cupboards. She made him sit and fed him. Then she quickly gave him medicine but may the sour taste of it Daniel puked some in her dress. She didn't make a fuss over it, she will get back to it after he recovered.

After coaxing him to sleep she quickly found a long shirt in his wardrobe and changed into it. After doing the laundry of her dirty clothes she went to check on him and found his body burning with temperature again.

She quickly grabbed some ice water and started giving his sponge bath. Once she assured his temperature subdued. She leaned against the headboard and closed her eyes to take some rest. She didn't realize when she slumbered into sleep.

At morning when Daniel opened his eyes he found a delicate body pressed against him. He didn't remember bringing someone to home. As far as he remembered he was with Mia taking interviews.

She pushed the body gently to look at the person and got a shock and surprise when he realized it was Mia. She was wearing his favorite shirt. That shock and surprise suddenly replaced with anger.

How dare she to take advantage of his illness. Wasn't she disgusted by his presence? Wasn't she displeased and infuriated to do a project with him? So what is she now doing here in his bed?

He angrily pushed her away from her and Mia jolted back from her sleep.

“What... What happened? How are you now?”

She tried to check his fever but Daniel slapped away her hands.

“Keep your filthy hands away from me. You disgusted me.” He yelled at her.

“What are you saying?” Mia didn't expect a warm embrace for what she did for him, but she didn't expected resentment also.

“I was right about you from the very beginning. You are just a piece of p*ssy who doesn't have any morality.”

“You are misunderstanding all situations. This isn't.....”

Mia was startled by his accusations but slowly gather herself and tried to explain. It wasn't a rocket science to know that he misunderstood the situation but Daniel didn't let her complete her sentence even.

He grabbed her hand pulling her out of his bed and dragging all the way through the living room.

“Get out of my house right now.” He pointed towards the door.

“Daniel let me explain” Mia pleaded with her eyes. She didn't know the last time she did that to anyone. It wasn't in her nature, but she didn't know why she needed to clarify the things between them.

“I don't want to see your face again. I won't tell anyone what happened between us but from now on we'll complete our project separately.” He told her in stern voice like this was his final decision.

Mia didn't actually think anything thing was left between them now to explain after seeing his outrage. So she quietly collected her belongings and left his house. She was wearing his long shirt with her short on. So she directly drove herself to home.

Her parents didn't ask anything about last night as they don't have any high expectations from their daughter. She locked herself in her room and cried her eyes out.

What was her fault in this? She just took care of him as a friend. Her carefree and bold nature was just a cover to protect her heart to getting slander by outside world.

As the memory of the other night flashed in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but pounced into Everly embrace and cried like a child.

Everly got worried and called Carter to tell him about this. She didn't know what happened to her best friend but if Carter can get it out from his best friend she might be able to ease down the pain of her friend too.


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Srish 💕

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