Mandatory Emotional Baggage

Start from the beginning

Duvall's cackling reminded Dick to watch his expression, he forced the scowl from his face.

"chin up, Master Grayson, it's your ceremony after all."

That did little to make him happy.

"do you swear to protect, to guard and to aid; to support and encourage; to guide and defend?"

"I swear it."

"do you swear to adhere to the laws of the League, to live as a citizen of our community, as an independent but also as a member?"

"I swear it."

"do you give your life in service to your fellow man, to your people and to the League?"

"I swear it."

"and do you, Richard John Grayson, give your name in service to the Al Ghul line and all other leading lines of the League?"

"I, Richard John Grayson, pledge my strength, skill, knowledge and name to the Al Ghul line and all other League families," Dick did not break eye contact with Ra's, his fist over his heart as he knelt before the Demon's Head, "to fight and protect till I can no longer."

"then I, Ra's Al Ghul, as representative of the Demon himself, as head of the League, name you, Richard John Grayson," Ra's took the sword offered by Thalia, balancing the sheathed blade across his hands, "as a noble guard of the League of Assassins."

Dick stood, the ceremonial armour and robes shifting as he took the offered sword from Ra's, he bowed a final time and turned to the gathered parade. As they applauded Dick couldn't fight the smile on his face.

He glanced over to Alex, her grin was contagious. Standing behind his nanny's legs, Damian watched on in contemplative glee, probably only just grasping what was going on.

Ra's stood behind him, murmured a, "welcome to the family."

Thalia's hand fell on his shoulder, "we'll try not to make it too crazy."

"no promises," Alex grinned.

"of course not."

He pulled the armour off first chance he got.

After the usual feast and celebration he and Alex snuck away, hiding out in the wing of the main building that held their rooms. Really the 'main building' was a palace, but when everything except a few outcroppings is underground the nobility of such a building tends to be lost.

He and Alex changed into more comfortable clothing in their own rooms and then met up in the halls.

"Come on, I've got something to show you," she said, grabbing hold of his wrist and pulling him along.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," she grinned, "figured I'd get you a present."

Dick snickered, "some money in a card would be enough."


She lead him to the training wing, where several rooms were filled with gym equipment and others with training mats and others all manner of equipment for all kinds of fighting styles. She dragged him all the way to a door that lead to an outcropping of the mountain. Dick had been there, it was just a huge overhang of rock with a nice view. It could have been a landing bay or something of the sort if it wasn't on the opposite end of the palace.

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