To Do

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I frantically flipped through all of the papers I was given telling me where to be and when. I was incredibly stressed and frazzled. I finally found the page I was looking for and let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. A free period. All that stress for nothing. A wave of relief hit me and I slowly turned back to enter the Slytherin dorms. Only to bump into someone I really didn't want to see.

"Sorry!" I yelped in my usual apologetic tone, not sure who I was talking to yet. At least not until my Y/E/C eyes met his cold and icy ones. My muscles tensed and I felt the strong urge to take back my apology.

"Watch it, Y/L/N," he scolded, readjusting his collar. I watched him carefully trying to read his complex expression.

"You watch it, Malfoy." I snapped back. He scoffed at my attitude.

"Uh, youv'e got dirt on your face," he reached to touch my face. I was ready to beat him bloody if he tried anything but something inside of me chose to let him do whatever it was he trying to do. It was completely harmless, he was just getting dirt off my face. But the way he was looking at me was so...weird, different.

"Herbology," I blurted out to Draco.

"Huh?" he asked

"The's uh f-from...Herbology," I explained while looking at him, confused. He seemed to have forgotten there was even dirt in the first place.

"Oh, yeah. Right," he replied slowly.

"You're acting weird, Malfoy, what's your deal?" I asked him, genuinely curious.

"None of your business, I've got class," he walked away almost looking confused by his own actions. I laughed because I knew he didn't have class. He had a free period, the same as me. Was he threatened by me or something?

I walked through the Slytherin common room still receiving dirty looks and judgment from my peers. I hated the feeling but I brushed it off, climbing the stairs to my room. I shared a dorm with Pansy Parkinson. She hated me because of it, Pansy had her own room before I came to Hogwarts. Not that she didn't hate me already but the fact that I took away her privacy added to it. I grabbed a journal so I could take all of the mental notes in my head and put them on paper.

To do

- Owl mom and dad

- unpack

-Diagonalley w/ Hagrid

- Make a good impression on my teachers!

It didn't seem like a lot but when all of that was in my head it was suffocating. As my conscience was cleared I was finally able to take notice of my emotions. And they were complicated. I got comfortable and prepared to dump everything into this journal.

Dear Diary, 

I'm really scared. Worried. I feel alone and I'm starting to regret coming here. I miss my parents, my friends. God, I even miss my teachers from muggle school. The change is so drastic and I'm the first to do it, which doesn't help. I think I'm supposed to be enjoying this but I'm not. Everything was fine when I first got here but now the whole 'new girl' thing is wearing off. Nobody in Slytherin likes me and Hermione seems...afraid of me?  

Don't even get me started on that Malfoy boy, I can never read him correctly. His facial expressions are so complex and it's so hard to tell if he's trying to ruin my life or be nice for once...or if he's...showing interest. I DON'T KNOW. It's all so confusing but I'm just trying to handle everything day by day. I haven't had any panic attacks yet but I'm afraid of what will happen when I do have one. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I have to say that about almost everything since I can never stop thinking about the future and what's next. It sucks, but I'm okay I guess, or I can at least act like I'm okay.

Yours truly,

A tear crept down my cheek, tipping me over the edge and causing a full-fledged breakdown. If I continued bottling everything up and then letting it out like this I would go insane.

Once I was able to catch my breath I sauntered over to the bathroom to freshen up. My cheeks were red, my eyes were puffy and my hair was falling out of the updo it was in. I glanced at the clock and my heart dropped, I had class, no time to try to look any better. I grabbed a notebook and a pen, still no materials but I would be getting the final list from snape next class. I ran out of the dorms and all of the halls were empty. Panic. I had no time to breakdown again. In response to my anxiety, I only used the feeling to run faster. I was lucky that Snape's classroom was so close to Slytherin house because if I had arrived a second later I would have been late. Even though I technically wasn't late everyone was already settled in and my sudden entrance turned heads. I knew how I looked, a mess. I wanted people to look away, I was embarrassed. 

"Oh, Miss Y/L/N, glad you decided to join us," Snape broke the silence with his monotone voice.

"Was she crying?" Draco snickered, Pansy and Blaise laughed along. I shot them a threatening look and they turned away.

"Hello. I'm so sorry, there was uh something I had to deal with," I responded looking at the ground, hoping no one else noticed my eyes. Snape pointed over to a table with other Slytherins, great. I was sitting with Pansy, Blaise, and Draco. I avoided eye contact but as soon as my gaze met Dracos his eyebrows furrowed and he looked...worried about me. I darted my eyes away.

"Professor, could I borrow a textbook? I don't go to Diagonalley with Hagrid until tomorrow," I asked as kindly as possible. He responded with a nod and went to open a cabinet in the back of the room. He generously handed me an old textbook and I thanked him profusely. I continued through the rest of the class avoiding eye contact with Draco.

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