"Okay! Tech stays in the well away from the Thirty." Ryan said and I dropped my phone, headsets, and iPad into the well bucket. A couple people approached us

"So... wanna meet our mother?" Ryan asked me and I cracked a smile and nodded. We looked somewhat similar

"You must be Elizabeth." Violet said warmly

"Hi... you're Violet, I mean mom, I mean... I'll figure it out." I stammered and she hugged me. We walked all the way to the village talking about interests and whatnot. Violet was more soft-spoken than me but we both liked, reading, music and singing. It was nice. I felt warm and fuzzy inside.

When we got to the farm, I started working with a person around my age maybe a year older with crops and watering them and stuff. Spyder hugged me from behind.

"hi." I said to him

"Hey! I'm gonna go explore the farm, you do whatever you're doing with him." Spyder said

"Oh that reminds me, Spyder meet Jordan, Jordan meet Spyder." I said

"It's she and her unless I tell you otherwise, not him." Jordan said and stuck her hand out. Spyder shook it

"Sorry." Spyder apologized. "You're good right."

"I'm fine here, go explore, do whatever!" I encouraged and waved goodbye

"So... dating or really friendly?" Jordan asked

"Dating." I told her

"ah... cool. I wanna date but no one here is my age apart from like you guys and no offence, but none of you are my type." Jordan explained, waving a hand around

"Hmm... what about blonde, smart, sarcastic and bi?" I asked. "You're cured right."

"I'm cured and we're done now. That was my last chore... assuming this mystery person is here with you, I'd like to meet her." Jordan told me

"Alright, follow me." I said. I grabbed my tech from the well and showed her the robot. We went up to the control deck and stepped out.

"Whoa." Jordan breathed in awe

"Hey Liz, hey... uhh."

"Veracity this is Jordan, Jordan this is Veracity." I introduced. I note Veracity's hair was frazzled

"I uhhh" Veracity cleared her throat. "Nice to meet you Jordan."

"Just so you know, my preferred pronouns are she and her unless I explicitly tell you otherwise." Jordan stated, then I got a call from Spyder on my Mech Link. I put the call on speaker and made sure we could all hear it

"Liz, I snuck a couple kids off the farm to go to hocus pocus pizza so they could have some fun for once in their lives." Spyder said

"Aww... that's sweet." Veracity commented

"But the city just got bloomed and now there's a guy in a bunny suit after us." Spyder finished

"Aww... that's stupid." I commented

"Did he just say bunny suit?" Jordan asked

"Spyder hang on. I'll get there as fast as I can." I turned off my Mech Link, "Can you two get Mark and Ryan for backup." I asked

"Won't your super speed cause your chest to hurt like hell with the x weapon still broken?" Veracity asked

"Yup!" I said and super sped, speeded, spode? (look it's like 11 at night) My way there. There were people surrounding the entrance. I scaled the side of the building, and by scaled I mean used a ladder, and blasted a hole through the roof, and landed safely on the ground.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now