TW means Tomsworld!

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Why do this have happened to him? They are rivals, an enemy, how come it have to turned out like this, unexpected conclusion?! 

"S-Stop this st-stupid act at once"Edd tremblingly tried to push Matt away, a string of saliva connected them for a while and Matt smirked "Cmon Jevvy you can't lie when it feel this nice"as his hand roam from his chest to his waist then to his hips "Jevvy? U-Ugh don't call me that! Y-You stupid commie"Edd yelped when Matt squeezed his ass "H-Hey! Are y-you even listening?! "Matt laughed "How can I hear you when you're panting and whimpering like you want it? "Edd blushed "I-Its not, that-" a huge crash can heard from the living room as both of them stopped, "Ah, really, hehe guess today you got lucky" Matt winked and Edd got off kitchen counter and flee from the room in instant, that cocky commie acting weird and sexual to him, it's too much! 

"Edd! "Tom went running toward Edd as he saw him walking out the kitchen "Tom? Holy smokes! What happened to you?! "He was covered in dirt and bruises "I fought with monsters and saved the day! "As he happily does the hero pose "To be exact, he went all the trouble to help a child to get away from being chased by bunch of wild goose"Tord crossed his arms, not pleased "c'mon throw me a bone! I wanna be a hero just once! "Tom grinned happily "But you look worse, it look like you got beaten up "Edd scanned his bruises closely "The monsters chased and attacked me but I am stronger! "Tord shook his head "I appreciate your fantasy but it's you who running and hiding behind me after fell for fifth time during your escape, and shooing a goose away are easy than interfering "Tom sighed loudly "Why do you gotta take the spotlight off me"Tord patted him "I'm simply pointing out your weakness so you can learn how to overcome it in the future" Tom agreed "Oh yeah! Practice makes perfect! It's time for me to fight monsters! "He said excitedly "I'm afraid today is enough, you're full of filth and cuts, it's time for a bath"Tord shot him a warning glare as Tom smile nervously "I-i guess you're right"he followed Tord after, leaving Edd alone, not having idea what in the blazes have happened. 

Without any further hesitation, he was hoping Matt aren't around, he'd hate if he and him got into crazy situation. He went upstairs and walk to his room when suddenly he heard faint noise coming from Matt's room. He leaned on the door to hear clearly "Edd.. You're beautiful "he said between pants and Edd blushed, what's that supposed to mean?! He panicked when a footsteps heard coming toward him, planning his escape a door instantly swung open and he gulped when he see his rival standing, infront of him, shocked but smirked afterwards "How much did you hear? "Edd blushed and look away "H-Hear what? You were calling me! "Matt have his little tint of pink on his cheek "Ah, maybe I should call you like that, Jevvy"Edd pouted "Ugh! How many times I have to tell you, don't call me Jevvy! "Matt laughed and pull him inside his room as he closed the door "H-Hey why the heck you pulled me in here?! "Edd look up to him, angrily pouting. Matt hugged him and whisoer to his ear " 'M hard for you"

Edd blushed madly "S-Stop this madness y-you commie" Matt licked his earlobe "I'm tired being enemy and shit like that, I want to be honest with you"Edd flinched "I-I have no idea what you're talking about! " Matt chuckled "Then I show you" as he lift him up and tjrow him on the bed, Matt took off his hoodie and Edd blushed at the sight "H-Hey what are you doing ? And why am I on your bed?! "Matt take off his shirt, revealing his muscular build "It's simple, I want to make love with you"Edd were burning in embrassment "N-Nonsense, stop this in instant" Matt pin him down and smirked "You're hard as well too" Edd look down and realized 

"T-This not what it looks -ngh! "He whimperef as he felt Matt hand squeezing him down there "I make you feel really good Jevvy"there's teasing voice implied and Edd couldn't feel nothing that embrassment and anger "I demand you to stop in instant-ah! "He yelped as Matt yanked his pants down "Don't worry I help you with that" he grinned as he slide his boxers off, revealing his hardened cock, Edd gulped and blushed. He whimpered as Matt touched him, fondling his dick firmly and rubbed it, noises escaping his mouth. His large hand working on his shaft, firm and rough as if it was asking for release, Edd whimpered and moaned, w-what is this sensation? He never felt it before, it's painfully pleasuring his spine, Matt hand went faster and Edd moaned, he was really close to climax. With one tug, he moaned loudly and came in his hands, Matt grinned and lick his cum nice and clean, averting his gaze to panting smaller male. 

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