I want to build a snow man

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Lucas was sleeping peacefully, wrapped in the soft heat of his bed when he felt something moving on his sheets. Swearing, he opened his eyes and saw Max, her nose a few centimeters away from his face.

The boy was so surprised that he rolled out of the bed, making his girlfriend fall on top of him. Managing to turn his head,Lucas saw his window opened and sighted :

" Maxie you know that we have a door right ? " He teased, gently caressing her cheek. "You can just knock and I will let you in !"

"Nah it's funnier like that and besides I'm not sure your parents would be happy to see me showing up that early a sunday morning " The girl replied with her head burying in her boyfriend's chest.

" That early ? Oh my God Max what time is it ? "

He looked at his girlfriend who seemed a little bit guilty now and then at his alarm clock. Damn it. Seven PM. A sunday morning. Why in the name of God had she to wake him up at this hour while he could still be sleeping peacefully ?

Annoyed, Lucas faced Max and wanted to grumble but he felt all of his anger go away. God. She was so cute with her sleepy eyes and her hair full of snowflakes. How was he supposed to be mad at her ?

" I'm sorry Lucas, really. I didn't want to bother you or annoy you or whatever it's just... It snowed a lot yesterday night and I was so excited about the whole thing that I couldn't help but wanting to share that with you " She looked as excited as a little child and the boy felt his heart melt. " Would you want to build a snowman with me ?"

Max glanced at him with puppy eyes and the boy couldn't help but say yes. He was not really happy about going out in the cold but he could have followed her to the other side of the earth.

Grabbing some warm clothes in his chest of drawers, Lucas followed his girlfriend as she was climbing down the stairs as quietly as possible. The two teenagers excited the house and reached the junkyard a couple of meters away.

As the cold wind was freezing their body, Max curled up against her boyfriend and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She was right about the snow as all the landscape around them was covered with a thick and immaculate layer of white powder. Lucas had been pretty grumpy earlier but this morning, the nature was offering him a gift which was highly worth his lack of sleep.

It was so quiet that Lucas almost believed they were actually the last human beings on earth. Just him, the snow and the girl of his dreams.

Mesmerized by the beauty of the snow-covered landscape, he hadn't notice that Max was gone and felt suddenly something hitting his back. He turned back and saw his girlfriend giggling, her hands still filled with snow.

" Oh no. You didn't dare..." He yelled at her as she was already running away from him. "You gonna regret that, believe me ! "

" I believe you stalker but you'll have to catch me first !"

He chased her through the entire junkyard, avoiding heaps of old tiers and laughing so hard that he had troubles to catch his breath. Max was running so fast that the only thing he could still see of her was her red hair, shining like a fire streak in the snow.

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