"So he sits with them now," Zuko sighed.

"I'm sure it's just for today," Toph said.

"He's probably really excited to get a girlfriend, huh?" He said.

"Uhh.... Yeah...." Toph cleared her throat. "Totally- listen, I have to.... make up a test. I'll see you in seventh."

"What? What test?" Zuko sat up straight.

"Math..." She said slowly. "Math test."

"We haven't had one for weeks," He protested.

"I know, it's one from weeks ago," she smiled awkwardly. "Well, bye."

"Toph, wai-" Zuko started to stand, but she was already out the door. "Right. Earthbending. Rock floor."

He slumped back into his seat. He hated being alone now that he had made two friends. They were like a life line, almost. He depended on them whenever he was sad or angry or upset. Zuko couldn't be in school if they weren't there. It would be tok lonely.

"Could've just said you didn't want to sit with me," He mumbled to himself.

"I just don't get it," Toph growled. "If you like him, tell him!"

"No way!" Aang said. "That's called suicide!"

"You're just a coward," She scoffed. "He was asking some pretty sus questions earlier."

"Like what?" Aang leaned towards her over the table.

"Well, you know!" Toph slammed a hand down. "Questions!"

"Liar!" Aang pointed his finger in her face, even if she couldn't see it.

"I'm not! I had to abandon him at lunch because he was going on about how excited you were to have a girlfriend!" Toph said. "You know I would never tell anyone. But going out with Katara? That's ridiculous."

"He told me to say yes!" Aang said. "It would've been weird if I said no..."

"Uh, no, it wouldn't have," She sighed again. "Not liking a girl doesn't make you weird. Lots of guys only like specific girls. Most typically their girlfriends."

"I've never dated anyone before," He said. "How am I supposed to know what that feels like?"

"You seem to like Zuko a lot!" Toph said. "Besides, you're only hurting Katara by leading her on like this."

"I can't..." Aang whispered.

Toph shook her head. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you."

Aang didn't like feeling these things. Sometimes he just wanted to not feel anything, like one of the fuck boys that went around school cheating on multiple girls at once. But he could never do that to someone, it would hurt them too much. And so would acting like he had romantic feelings for Katara.

"You're pretty lucky Zuko didn't walk home with us today," Toph said.

"He would always walk with us and double the amount of time it took to get home," Aang said, more to himself than Toph.

"Yeah, I just said that," She wrinkled her nose. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," He said. "I have so much homework..... Can I copy yours?"

"I was hoping you'd let me copy yours," Toph said sheepishly.

"You can't see," Aang said.

"We have phones for a reason, dipshit," She said. "Besides, you're going to do it anyways. Why not help me out in the process?"

"Fine, whatever," He sighed. "I'll call you when I finish."

Toph smiled widely. "Yes! No homework!"

When Aang got home, he had one thing on his mind. Well, two things. Homework, and a sudden need to call Zuko. He felt terrible for his behavior today, ignoring him at lunch and around the hallways. It was almost like Zuko was avoiding him.

He dialed Zuko's uncle, because he didn't have a phone.

"Hello, who is this?" Answered a gravelly voice.

"Uhm... My name is Aang, I wanted to talk to Zuko," He said.

"Aang? My niece has told me so much about you! Are you really the avatar?" The voice started spewing random facts about Aang that, of course, he already knew. It was a little heart warming that Zuko had remembered all these little details.

"Who's on the phone?" Aang heard Zuko's voice in the background.

"It's Aang," His uncle said. "He wanted to talk to you."

"How long has he been waiting?" Zuko grabbed the phone from his hand.

"Oh, only a few minutes," Iroh smiled.

"I don't want to annoy him!" Zuko said. "Did you put him on hold?"

"No," His uncle said. "Dinner will be ready in an hour."

"Aang?" Zuko said.

"Hey," He said. "I wanted to call because, I think I was avoiding you on accident today."

"Oh... Uh, it's fine," Zuko was glad he didn't realize it was the other way around.

"Also I called because of lunch," Aang said. "Katara didn't really let me leave. I wanted to sit with you guys."

"Aang, it's fine," Zuko said. "Seriously, stop worrying. There is nothing you can do to make me stop being friends with you. It's like... destiny."

Aang laughed. He liked the sound of that, being friends with Zuko for ever. Then he thought he sounded creepy, so Aang stopped thinking about spending forever with him.

"Guess I'm stuck with you," He smiled.

"Yes, you are," Zuko rolled his eyes. "I happen to have an hour before I eat dinner, if you have time to talk?"

"Of course," Aang laid on his bed, holding his corded phone up to his ear. "I have all the time in the world."

ehh short chapter. i dont like it very much, because it was sorta boring. but next chapter should be fun

idk i gotta check the plan

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