"Why you're here?" Mr. Ward said, cutting him off. He smiled slightly and nodded. "I knew it was only a matter of time until you connected the dots and came to confront me. I must say though, I never suspected you'd get dragged into the true reality someday."

Nick frowned. "True reality?"

He nodded. "That is what it is referred to once someone is exposed to the full truth, that there are things that exist in this world that are considered 'supernatural', beings that aren't quite human, power that could be called magical." He shrugged. "Very few humans have the privilege of being invited into that world, some catch glimpses and are labeled as conspiracy theorists, or just good old fashion nut cases." He smiled. "Consider yourself lucky, you are one of the privileged few."

Nick exchanged a glance with Tala. "Uh...okay."

Charles Ward leaned forward and rested his folded hands on the smooth surface of his desk, gaze now directed at Tala. "Tell me, does my son know what you are?"

Tala nodded. "I'm afraid he and Nick found out at the same time."

Charles sighed and leaned back in his chair once more, pinching the bridge of his nose briefly. "That is a shame, I was hoping to spare him all of this." He smiled sadly. "Although with his abounding curiosity and need to know, he would've made an exceptional Mystic."

Nick frowned. "Is it hereditary?"

Charles glanced up, weighing something in his mind before nodding slowly. "Yes, were things different, Alejandro would become a mystic once his supernatural energy reached maturity." At their blank looks, he briefly explained. "People who are touched by the supernatural, but not directly connected to it, retain within themselves a sort of aura, or energy, that allows them to connect easier to supernatural things. Tala for example, is a born supernatural, where as I am a touched supernatural, still human, but one gifted with special abilities."

"But what do you mean when you say 'if things were different' and Al 'would've' made an exceptional Mystic? What aren't you telling me."

Charles and Tala exchanged a look before he said quietly. "Nick, he didn't want you to know...but Alejandro is dying, he has an inoperable brain tumor that is expected to kill him in a little under six months. His mother has taken him to the doctor today due to an increase in his blackouts, and headaches."

Nick couldn't breathe, his vision blurred as his heart stopped and then jumped into overdrive. "Wh-what? N-no...no that can't...he can't..."

Tala put her arm around his waist for support and led him over to one of the armchairs. "I'm so sorry, Nick."

He pushed her arm away. "You knew?" His voice was accusatory and hurt.

Tala nodded. "The first time his skin came in contact with mine...I could sense it."

Nick shook his head. "How...how long has he known?"

Charles shrugged. "About a month? The symptoms arrived too late, and when we found out...there was nothing we could do."

Nick's body was shaking from shock, his mind unable to process that his best friend was going to die in just a few short months. "Wh-why...there's nothing?"

Charles shook his head, face grim, but his hands were trembling slightly. "No, there is nothing we can do."

Nick put his hand over his face for a few moments, trying not to have a panic attack. He slowly took several deep breaths. "I- why didn't anyone tell me?"

"He didn't want you to start treating him any differently, he's had to deal with people pitying and treating him like a complete invalid."

Charles nodded in agreement with what Tala said. "Even if you don't mean to treat him differently...it can't be helped."

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