02. An Attempt At Amends

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   A part of Esme wanted to believe she was somehow dreaming this

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   A part of Esme wanted to believe she was somehow dreaming this. That she was before Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder.

He looked just as she had seen him last. He had lost his godly body long ago, the belly she now saw was mostly due to a crazy consumption of alcohol over the years, particularly beer. His hair had grown out, some now in braids, in dreadlocks. His beard had grown, part of it braided to keep it in check. Even his eyes had changed—one remained its natural ocean-blue, the other had a gold hue about it. He's had that replacement for years, Esme reminded herself. She remembered the origin to it as well, but Thor only gave her vague enough details when she had asked about it once. 

Thor wandered through her tiny place. He was dressed in normal clothing—well, not the Asgardian normal clothing, anyway. He looked reserved, almost as if he was uncomfortable.

Esme could share the sentiment.

"How did you find me?" she asked him quietly.

"I've had a lot of free time lately." Thor's eyes roamed her home. "This is so small."

"I don't need much, it's just me here. Can I—do you want me to get you anything?" Esme wanted to remain a good host, even if it was to a former flame.

"No, no, you don't have to do that, but thank you."

"This is totally awkward."


Esme cracked a smile, gesturing for Thor to follow her into the kitchen. "You sure I can't get you anything?"

"No, really, it's fine." Thor sat himself opposite Esme at her tiny table. He wrung his hands, leaning forward.

"You know what I'm going to ask."

"I actually don't."

"What are you doing here, Thor?" Esme leaned back in her seat, her cereal long forgotten about.

The God of Thunder heaved a deep sigh. "I came to make amends."

"Amends?" Esme raised a brow.

"Yes." Thor dipped his head down slightly. "I know it's been long overdue, and I'm truly sorry how things ended with us, Esme."

The female Asgardian regarded her former love cautiously with light brown eyes. "You might need to be a little more specific than that."

"I want to apologize for bringing you into my family issues to begin with. If I hadn't...if I hadn't gone to you for help to find Loki, maybe..."

Esme shook her head. "If you hadn't sought me out, a lot of things wouldn't have happened. Some things may still have. Besides, I believe I couldn't stay away from you and Loki, being we were friends when we were children."

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