Soaring The Skies

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This is gonna be really short, but since I gave Bbh wings, I just had to. Also, this'll take place after Skeppy and Bads fight, so yeah.

3'rd person POV

Bad had left his house after his and Skeppys fight, he flew around the village, smiling down at all the happy family's and couples, he flew up higher, feeling calmer than he did when he was back at his house, 'Maybe I was too hard on him, maybe he didn't deserve it' he thought to himself, while he flew back to his house. He entered, much calmer now, he walked over to Skeppys room, and opened the door slowly. "Hey...sorry about earlier, you can stop packing, I don't know what I was thinking" Bad said, he stumbled back a bit when Skeppy ran up and hugged him "I'm sorry!- this was all my fault!" Skeppy cried, still embracing Bad, now sobbing. "Hey- hey, it's alright, calm down, I shouldn't have been so hard on you" Bad said, hugging Skeppy back.

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