Hinata Shoyo x Female Reader [Soulmate AU]

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Every move he made, your eyes followed. He was perfect in everyway imaginable. From the way he laughed to the little tics he had.

Sometimes you found yourself daydreaming about how you would run through flower fields, hand in hand. These would always be ruined by the harsh reality that you were not each other's soulmates, nor will you ever be.

You were never meant to be with the boy known as Hinata Shoyo. He didn't have your name on his wrist and you didn't have his, or anyone's. Your skin was a blank slate. Remaining forever nameless.

But that never stopped you from wishing otherwise. You would look at the stars and wish every night,

"Somebody, something please let me be his soulmate, even for just one day. Please!"

Of course your wishes were never answered and you were left to cry bitter tears in hatred of being born a blank slate. You hated, hated, hated, looking down at your wrist and knowing that you and Hinata weren't meant for each other. You hated the pitying looks you got from classmates whenever they were informed that you didn't have a soulmate. You hated their encouraging words and how,

"You'll find someone like you someday!"

You wanted to yell, curse, and scream at them.

"Someone like me? Someone faulty? Someone faulty like me?"

Of course they would never understand the pain of not having anyone you could truly fall in love with, someone that the universe destined you to be with, someone who had your name since their day of birth.

But you knew it was ridiculous to do that. It wasn't their fault that the universe just decided to hate you.

Nothing ever went right in your life. Someway, Somehow, the universe managed to mess everything up.

Sure, most of the problems were little things, but that didn't mean it didn't affect you in some way. From how one of your teachers lost your an essay you had spent many sleepless nights on to how almost everything you bought was faulty to some degree. But with everything being stacked up on top of you, it was all eventually going crash down on you.

And it crashed down hard.

You woke up feeling refreshed and confident which didn't happen often, so you decided to doll yourself up a bit. Nothing too extreme, just a bit of mascara and styling your hair differently than normal. You walked to school with a little spring in your step and greeted schoolmates with a smile and a wave. Your teachers had miraculously decided to not give much homework and that brightened your day even more. But as the day ended and you walked down the hallway to your shoe locker a couple of rowdy boys ran down the hallway, one of them crashing into you. This sent you plummeting into the ground. You landed fairly awkwardly but at least you weren't hurt.

Or at least you thought.

While recovering yourself from the fall, you noticed the sharp pain that shot through your ankle when you set pressure on it. Cursing the two boys for ruining your good luck streak, you limped to the lockers and out of school.

As if the universe was laughing at you for being such an idiot and thinking that today was going to be a good day, it started raining. You lived about a fifteen minute walk from school and you had no umbrella. Both of your parents worked late which meant no one would be able to pick you up. So soaking wet, you limped slowly back home.

You didn't really mind since you liked the rain and if you got sick you wouldn't have to worry about missing a day since there was no school tomorrow. While on your walk, you contemplated about dinner. But as you thought about many other things you eventually started thinking about Hinata. How his presence somehow made any room feel much brighter and how he always seemed to fail his English exams. You chuckled at the memory of him but your happiness was short-lived as your mind slowly drifted back to the topic of soulmates. You wondered what type of person Hinata's soulmate was and if that would treat him right when they finally found each other.

The heavy flow of hot tears wouldn't stop. You sobbed uncontrollably. You were sure you looked ridiculous. A girl suddenly bursting into tears for an unknown reason. But you were tired of it all. Tired of all the pitying looks you got from your classmates. Tired up with everything going wrong. Tired of not having a soulmate.

"Hey... Are you okay?"

You hastily wiped your tears away and looked up startled. The main cause of all your woes was standing right in front of you, a concerned look on his face.

"Y-yeah I'm fine! Don't worry about me I'm just not having a great moment right now!" You answered shakily, sniffing a bit.

You started to walk away, getting ready to sprint home through the pain and cry yourself to sleep but failed as you slipped on a small patch of mud. You really wanted to die now. Not only had you cried in front of Hinata, you also fell and ate shit after trying to escape. You laughed nervously and picked yourself up miserably, mud now caking your uniform. As you turned to unceremoniously limp yourself back home Hinata suddenly spoke out.

"Hey! You're in my class right?"

"Ah...Y-yeah... I sit behind you .."

"Oh really? I didn't notice!"

Your heart felt like it had been shot through. How was he able to say that so innocently?

"Haha.. Yeah.. Well I have to go home now bye-

"Hey. Is it true that you don't have a soulmate?"

That cursed sentence. No matter how many times you heard it, you would always feel a pang of jealousy and hate though you never let it show. But you've had enough for today.

You frowned at his words.

"So what? What about it? You wanna tell me how great it is to have a soulmate to rub it in my face? You wanna give me your fake pity and comforting words? If so, then you can save it. I'm leaving. Goodbye." You regretted the words as soon as they came out of your mouth but couldn't help lashing out in your vulnerable state.

"A-A-Ah! N-No I didn't mean it that way! I was just curious. I've never met anyone else that was blank before!"

You looked at him in confusion which quickly turned to shock as you saw him lift up his sleeve to show his wrist, unmarked by the fated ink. You reluctantly lifted up your own arm and sleeve to show your own blank wrist. Hinata's face seemed to glow as he smiled. Your eyes flashed back and forth from both of your wrists, not believing your eyes.

It had stopped raining and the sun was starting to peek though the clouds. The sky turned a beautiful shade of orange which was reflected by all the puddles. You stared in awe as a murder of crows flew by. Their silhouettes a stark contrast against the oranges and pinks of the sky. Your moment of serenity was ruined once you realized you were still still standing in front of Hinata, soaking wet, caked in mud, with mascara streaking down your cheeks. You turned bright red and covered your face.

"Oh my god..!" You yelled, completely embarrassed at the fact that you had a conversation with Hinata looking like that.

You heard Hinata make a noise of confusion.

"W-what? What's wrong?" He asked innocently.

You peeked at his face through your fingers. He almost looked like he had come down from heaven itself. The evening Sun hit his damp hair made it seem like he was glowing. Taking a quick glance down at your clothes, you cringed at how horrible you looked compared to him.

"I-I-I've got to go. See you at around."

Swiping your bag from the muddy road, you hastily bowed before speedwalking as fast as your ankle could handle.

"O-oh.. Yeah! See you tomorrow! Oh, wait! There's no school tomorrow... See you on Monday! Lets become friends, yeah?!"


This is an old story from my Tumblr (@szipps) I decided to post here :-)

Wish I could do more with the story but the story is clear as it is though if someone wishes to use this as a base for their story that would be great! Just tell me beforehand so I know and can read your story :)

Fate Is Cruel | Hinata x F!Reader [Soulmate AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora