"What's your name?" I suddenly hear the brown curly hair guy who's been quiet until now ask me, the same intense look on his face, not giving a shit about what's going on around the table, and clearly not even paying attention to what's being said.

"Joy", I answer before I can even think twice about it. Seriously Joy? Why did I tell them my real name? Please Charlie tell me you haven't told them about me. His eyebrows furrow but he stays quiet.

"Brad bro, what the fuck? Who fucking cares about her name", Red Hair guy says, and Brad finally stops looking at me and turns his gaze towards the two men yelling at each other on the other side of the room. I took the opportunity to go back to the main topic.

"What kind of proof?", I ask, pretty much ready for anything at this point. Is's smile grows larger, and he nods at Thing Two next to me who pulls a small packet of white powder out of his leather jacket's pocket. As soon as my eyes see the powder, I understand what they're expecting me to do. Drugs. I have never done drugs before. I don't even know how to do it. My entire body starts to shake without me being able to control it, and I pray that they don't notice it. Who even knows what's in that bag. That shit has probably been cut with some other shit, there's no way they'd waste profit on me. Thing Two starts to pour the powder on the table in front of me and cuts a line into it using a drink menu. I can barely breathe as I watch him gather the white powder into a thin line, feeling all eyes on me again. Am I really doing this? I was ready to kill someone not even fifteen minutes ago and now I'm scared of a line of coke? If that's actually what it is.

"Dude, she's not worth it", Brad says to Is, bringing my attention from the powder in front of me to him. He's looking at Is, a pissed look on his face. "Let's get out of here, she clearly doesn't know what she's doing", he adds, still not looking at me. Is doesn't answer, his eyes focused on me.

"What is it gonna be, Snow White? Want in or not?", he asks me, ignoring what Brad has just said. My breathing becomes heavier as I realize I don't have a choice if I want to get to Reggie. 'Don't do it Pops', I hear Charlie say, and I lift my head up to see him standing there, behind Is and Brad, looking at me with sad eyes. He looks exactly the way I remember, his brown hair is messy, and he displays a three-day old scruff. I have to bite my tongue not to burst into tears, and close my eyes, hoping the ghost of my dead brother will be gone when I open them. What is happening to me?

"Come on Isaac, she's wasting our fucking time", Brad says, losing patience. I open my eyes and look where Charlie was standing a second ago. He's not there anymore. I let a sigh of relief out of my mouth and finally take a breath in. I can do this. I notice that Thing Two is handing me a rolled-up fiver, and grab it from his hand. I have watched enough movies to know what I'm supposed to do with the bill. I lean forward on the table, bring my head closer to the white powder, and place the bill on one side of the line. I take a last look at the two guys sitting in front of me, Isaac has that smirk I am dying to erase off his face, while Brad looks at me with a very disapproving look, and bring my attention back to the line, before bringing my nose to one end of the bill and blocking my other nostril, and doing the rail in one go. The powder burns my throat as it hits the back of my nose, forcing my eyes shut, while I hear the boys cheer and laugh. It doesn't take long for me to start feeling the effects of the drug, the room starting to spin under my eyes within minutes. What was in that stuff? I suddenly feel something drip down my nose, and wipe it with a finger, quickly noticing the red stain on my index finger. Fuck, is that normal? I try to get up to go wash my bleeding nose in the washroom, but as soon as I stand up I lose balance as I seem to have lost all sense of gravity. Why is the room upside down all of a sudden? The laughs grow louder, yet sound faded, and I fight to keep my eyes open and try to get up, but I simply can't. It's like someone is holding me down, my limbs feel like stone.

"What's going on Snow White? Can't handle a little rail?", I hear the faded voice and know it's Isaac. I want to stand up and punch him for doing this to me, I want to leave, and hide in my bed. I want to see Charlie again and find the comfort and safety of his arms. I want him to tell me everything's going to be okay.

"Let's get out of here before she ODs on us", someone says, but it sounds so far away this time, I can't tell who said that. My bet is on Thing One or Thing Two. My head keeps spinning, and I feel like I'm falling in a pitless well. It feels like one never-ending fall, not able to grab onto anything to try and keep some kind of balance. I have lost all bearings of the environments around me. Everything is just dark and cold, and upside down. Or is it? What's gravity anyways? How long have I been here? Shit, when is this going to stop? Am I going to die here? In front of all those guys in this crappy bar? That's not the end I had in mind when I came here today. Light. I finally see some light. What is this? Something feels warm and comforting. Charlie. I'm in his arms. He's taking me home. Everything is going to be okay, I think as I blackout.

I just love writing this story, you have no idea!! I have a bunch of chapters written up already, and I can't wait to share them with you! Still trying to get over the fact that Friends is ending in three weeks though 😔.
Did you like this chapter of Ghost of You? Don't forget to like it if you did 😬😇.
Love you guys so much ❤️

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