Chapter 6 - Pirates

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Your p.o.v

You've been here three weeks. Three brilliant, adventure-packed weeks in Neverland. You and Peter have had your ups and downs, but he's getting better. You've had adventures with the Indians, swum with the mermaids, gone on countless treasure hunts and played so many games, you've lost count.

Just another morning in Neverland, you're making breakfast for the boys. You feel someone staring at you and smile. Peter. He's been staring a lot more recently, and every time you catch him, he acts like he wasn't, but you feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach.

You turn to face him. He's closer than you thought, so you stumble back slightly. You look into his eyes and see the familiar forest green that you've grown to love.

"What are you doing here?" He says, furious.

"Making breakfast." A growl builds up in  his throat.

"No. What are you doing on my island?" You look at him in shock. Did he forget? Or did he really hate you that much?

"You brought me here Peter." you reminds him softly.

"And yet, you can't even follow simple orders. You. Will. Call. Me. Pan!" He yelled at you. Anger boils inside of you.

"Peter, look at me." You demand. He does, but all you can see is pure hatred in his beautiful green orbs.

"The shadow will take you home." He says, coldly, before turning away. Your heart breaks as tears prick your eyes and cloud your vision, and you run into the forest, faster than you've ever run before. You run all the way to the other side of the island and onto a beach you've never seen before. You seea ship moored in the bay, but take little notice of it, finally letting the tears fall. You feel a presence behind you and turn, ready to yell at Peter. But that isn't who you see. A very handsome man sits down next to you, holding out a handkerchief.

"There, there, little one. What's wrong?" You just shake your head, not knowing if you can trust this man. He smiles.

"My name is Captain Killian Jones. What's yours?"

"(y/n)." You wipe at your face with the hanky. Killian Jones looks at you curiously.

"And what would a lady such as yourself be doing on this godforsaken island?" His voice sounds so comforting and he looks so sincere, that you can't resist, and tell him the whole story, until the point where Peter says he's sending you home. Then, huge sobs rack your frame and Killian places a comforting arm around your shoulders.

"I know a place where you will always be welcome." He whispers to you, pointing at the ship in the bay. "You could join me pirate crew."

You're shocked into silence, thinking about all the stories Peter ever told you about the pirates. But  Peter, not his demons, wanted rid of you, and Killian was a welcome change from his mood swings. Better to be out now while I still have a choice, you thought. So you nodded, and Killian smiled, helping you up and leading you to his ship. Goodbye, Peter. Goodbye Lost Boys. Goodbye Neverland.

Third person p.o.v

Peter summoned his shadow and sent it to take (y/n) back to the Mainland. She would be gone before the Lost Boys woke up. Inside Peter, his demons whisper to him.

"You made the right choice. She would have destroyed magic. You would have to grow up if she stayed." Peter nodded, sure that his youth was more important than anything else. But if that was true, then what was this pain deep in his heart? It was unlike any pain he'd ever known, but he ignored it, waking up the Lost Boys instead. Peter waited for them to gather around the fire, before yelling at them to be quiet.

"From now on, you have no mother. (y/n) has been sent back to the Mainland, and she won't be returning to Neverland. Get some food, then get your butts to the training field." Most of the boys were frozen in horror by this news, so Peter yelled at them one more time that they were dismissed, and they ran off, whispering among themselves and trying to work out a reason. Felix stayed behind with Peter.

"Are you sure that sending her back was the best idea?"

"Yes." He replied simply.

"Why?" Peter raised an eyebrow. His second in command never questioned him.

"The boys were growing soft. And, she was weakening Neverland's magic. Do you know what that would mean?"

"We would grow up." Felix sighed. "You're the boss, Pan."

Just then, Peter's shadow soared down in front of them. Peter dismissed Felix, before addressing the shadow.


"It is done." The shadow replied in its gravelly voice. "She is asleep, and will wake up thinking this was all a dream."

"Perfect," Peter replied, and the shadow disappeared, leaving Peter to his thoughts and demons.

In fact, the shadow had not taken (y/n) home. It had found her on the Jolly Roger, and had descended to speak to her. She had begged it not to take her back home, and it had agreed, on one condition. She was to leave Neverland and return in a year. She agreed, but Killian had interjected, saying there was 'no way off this blood island with its bloody demon king'. The shadow had said it would grant them passage off the island, and had given them two magic beans. One for them to leave, and one for their return in a year. Then, it had wished them good luck and had flown off to deceive Pan.


~A.N: Welcome back, ya shanks. I have a question for you. For my next fanfic, should I do another Peter Pan, a TMR, another Jessie or something else entirely? Leave a comment with what you want and I'll see what I can do. Anyway, yay! I finally got this up! I'd like to thank @iDOntEvEnKnoW690 for helping me with my writers block. This chapter is dedicated to you! Feel free to comment/PM/share/other. Dont forget to vote! See you in the next chapter! ♤

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