Safe Day II: Clear Sight

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What about Lucian? Makri sent him a worried glance.

He'll be fine, I hope. He needs to wake up soon; we cannot waste more time. I sighed and walked over to him. He was still fast asleep and I ran my hand over his hair and down his cheeks.

Wake up for me, Lucifer. I whispered over our mating bond, but got dragged away soon by an excited Gia.


"Good morning." Rhian smiled over a steaming mug of a fruity smelling tea. "As you can see the hunting season is over. You will soon be able to move on. How's the young wolf?" Gia had run outside to talk to Lee and had left Makri and I to talk to Rhian.

"He is still sleeping." I answered since I knew Makri wasn't too comfortable talking ot the other fairy. "We were planning on leavng as soon as he's up to it. How do we get back home? We live on the west coast, close to Oban." Rhian's eyes widened.

"Oban? Good gods, you are quite a bit from home then. This is Loch Maree, we're in the north of Scotland, almost at the coast!" I stared at her; the Sprites had taken us this far up? "I have already asked Lee to prepare my car for your use. It is not a very modern model, but it will get you home safely and if you follow the right route, then it will take you to the Consi as well." She looked at Makri who nodded and her face was set in a grim mask of determination. 

"Mistress! The elves have brought fish!" Lee's voice rang out through the big house and Rhian's eyes sparkled.

"Oh splendid! The elves catch the best fish here." She rose and hurried outside to meet with the elves.

It's probably better if we stay here. Makri nodded in agreement and excused herself to the library. I felt a sad smile stretch over my lips as I watched her exit the warm kitchen. She had become more secluded and I wanted more than ever to be able to remove what the Sprites had done to her. With a sigh I prepared a mug of tea and went back upstairs to check on Lucifer. He was still asleep and again I sighed, sitting down on the bed next to him. The hot tea was warming my hands and the steam rose steadily into the air. 

"I wish you were awake, Lucifer. I bet you would love the view." I smiled wryly. "You always liked the lochs and the sea and water in general. You're such a weird wolf you know that?" Looking down at his serene face, I placed my mug on the nightstand and curled up into his side. "Please wake up." 


I must've dosed off because when I woke up the midday sun stood high in the sky and was almost ready to settle back down into the cozy darkness of the night, but that wasn't hat startled me. What startled me was the arm curled around my body, holding me close to a warm person and a rising and falling chest. When I looked up I could see Lucifer's face and he seemed to be asleep, but I knew he must've been awake at some point. Since Rhian had taken care of him, he'd been in and almost coma-like sleep, not moving and his breathing shallow, but now- he had moved his arm to hold me closer and his breathing was deeper and more irregular. 

"Lucifer." I whispered and after a few grumbles, he cracked his eyes open a bit to look down at me.

"Look who it is- my little fairy." He teased and I didn't know whether to cry of happiness or give him a scolding for his recklessness and teasing just now. I settled for both and let a few tears roll down my cheeks before I let my fists rain down on his chest. I felt his chest rumble with quiet luaghter before his hands wrapped themselves around my wrists and stopped me from hitting him any further.

"Is that a way to greet your mate after he woke up with a serious injury?" He smirked and I huffed.

"Don't be too full of yourself. Why did I ever want you to wake up." I rolled my eyes and he bent to press his lips to my forehead. Our eyes locked and I couldn't help myself; I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. They were soft underneath mine and the unmistakable sparks seemed to rush through my entire body as his lips moved against mine. We were interrupted by the sound of the door being pushed open.

"Eddie-" Gia whined and her eyes widened when she saw Lucifer awake. "Lulu!" She exclaimed and I saw Lucifer's eyes widen at the new nickname, but he took her in his arms when she jumped onto the bed next to me and hugged him tightly. 
"I missed you so much when you were asleep." She babbled excitedly. "You have to meet Rhian and Lee and-" She kept going on and on about the house and the elves' and how there were stables next to the house with actual horses in them. I smiled as I looked down at Gia snuggled into Lucifer's chest. 

Later when Gia had fallen asleep, still curled up into Lucifer's side, I lay down facing him in the dark. His eyes followed my every movement as if he was afraid I would vanish any second. I reached out and caressed his face, to which he closed his eyes and sighed. We had informed Rhian of Lucifer's now conscious state and decided that we would give him another day to rest and heal and then we'd leave for home.

"It'll be alright." I whispered to no one in particular, knowing that both Lucifer and Makri heard me.

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