Chapter 3

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Harry didn't know what to do. He was going to say something cheeky to her when he sat down in his seat on Monday, something about hoping she had a good rest of the night, asked if she saw anyone later, but his words died on his tongue the moment he saw her. He lost all courage immediately, and by the end of the class it didn't make sense to say anything at all. By Wednesday, staying silent was easier than trying to figure out how to broach the topic. So Harry stayed silent.

    But not because he wanted to. He wanted to say something to her, to ask her why she left. He had this feeling it was more than just that her friends were leaving—he could've driven her home in the morning. In fact, he would've loved to drive her home in the morning, maybe grab a coffee from Starbucks on the way. Harry couldn't help but wonder if she regretted it. The kiss, going upstairs with him, almost fucking. He thought he'd regret it when he woke up on Sunday morning, but instead he wished it had happened. And when he walked into class on Monday, the exact same feeling washed over him—desire, pure and undeterred. He wanted her even if it was a bad idea to fuck your classmate at the start of term.

    Harry wanted her so bad that he had to run to a bathroom right after class ended.


Nora was confused.

    Harry sat next to her both days, but barely spoke a word beyond a hello and goodbye, leaving Nora wondering what had happened. Sure she left, but that was because her friends were leaving and she wanted to make sure that it was a good idea to fuck him. Was he mad that she left? Had he been only paying attention to her last week in order to get her in his bed on Saturday night? The idea of the last one made her stomach turn, but the longer Harry was quiet the more the thought festered.

    After classes finished on Thursday, Nora picked up two bottles of rosé and a pizza and headed home to Maddy. Maddy had been bothering her about Harry all week, begging for details and to know what was going on, but for some reason Nora hadn't wanted to share the sordid details. She told Maddy, Taylor, and Lauren the basics over brunch on Sunday morning, but she didn't answer their questions about how good of a kisser he was, how big he was, what he looked like under his clothes. There was this part of her that just clammed up and Nora wasn't sure why.

    She also had no idea what to think about Harry, though.

    So she decided it was time to talk to Maddy about it.

    "I come bearing rosé and pizza," Nora said, leaning against the doorjamb of Maddy's room. "And I'm in need of advice."

    Maddy looked up from her computer and notes, and grinned. "My three favorite things!" She bounded towards Nora, pushing her aside in search of the rosé and pizza. She grabbed two slices, pours a hefty glass of rosé, and turned to Nora. "So. Tell me everything about Saturday."

    "How did you know it was about Saturday?" Nora asked, pulling a slice from the box.

    "What else would it be? Now spill."

    Nora told her the entire story. About the dancing, being pushed against him, about kissing him. She told her about what happened in his bedroom, how close she got to hooking up with him, how Maddy knocked right as she was about to go down on him, which Maddy apologized profusely for.

    "Wait, so why didn't you stay?" Maddy asked, ripping a piece of her crust off. "It seems like you were enjoying yourself."

    "We have class together twice a week," Nora explained. "I didn't want to regret it and then have to see him all the time for the rest of the semester. I hate avoiding hook-ups and Harry isn't someone who I really want to avoid. I feel like we could be friends and it would be nice to have someone to study with. So if we hooked up, maybe he wouldn't want to do any of that. Or maybe I'd be too awkward to know how to play it cool." She was rambling now, because there was a million thoughts flying through her brain.

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