Belle and I made breakfast together and then I was chatting with Tommy and Molly for a while before Anton dragged me away to work out

"Hello babe" I went to hug Maura when her and Curtis got back "How was it?"

"It was really nice, it's so romantic in there" She giggled

"Did you have sex?" I asked

"No," She said "But it was so nice"

"I'm so happy for you" I grinned and she joined me in the pool to tell me all about last night

I spent the day lounging around with Chris and Belle, occasionally giving Jordan a warning look which made him frown and sigh

I spent the day lounging around with Chris and Belle, occasionally giving Jordan a warning look which made him frown and sigh

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"Hey," Joe smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist

"Hi," I leaned up to kiss his cheek

"You never told me what happened last night by the way," he lowered his voice

"I'm not going to spread anything, babe, Jordan needs to do the right thing here," I said

"Does he like her?" He asked and I shrugged in response

"All I'm saying is that if he doesn't do the right thing he might ruin not only his relationship but India and Ovie's and his friendships with anyone in the villa," I said

"Why are you being so secretive?" He laughed

"Right now trust me I need to," I shrugged "Oh shit," I pointed over to where Jordan was talking to India "Fuck, fuck, fuck what's he doing?"

"Babe calm down," Joe said

"You don't get it, he likes her and he hasn't said shit to Anna and she's noticed them, he needs to talk to her and explain how he feels before thinking about talking to India again," I shook my head "I can't do this," I walked over to the fire pit and grabbed Anna up to the swing "I need to tell you something"

"What's up?" She asked

"Last night I spoke to Jordan and he told me that he thinks he rushed into asking you to be his girlfriend because India's been turning his head and he likes her and wants to go for her," I explained "I told him to talk to you before even thinking about talking to her,"

"Are you serious?" She gasped

"I'm so sorry babe, he doesn't deserve you at all," I said

"He's messed with the wrong bitch, if he wants to talk he can be a fucking man and do it," she said and got up

I stood up and watched her storm down to India and Jordan while Joe, Maura and Curtis joined me

"Oh my god," I whispered and rested my head on Joe's shoulder while we watched Anna shout at Jordan "Oh my god I hate this,"

"Babe you did the right thing by telling her," Maura squeezed my hand

"Jordan was going to tell India how he felt and if she didn't feel the same he was going to drop it," Curtis explained

"Did you tell him to do that?" I asked, he nodded and Maura looked furious at him "Oh my god what the fuck! You boys are all the same! He needed to fucking talk to Anna instead of fucking it all up!"

"What if India didn't feel the same?!"

"Jordan needed to tell Anna! Not me! I should not have had to tell her for him!" I shouted

"I did the right thing!" He retorted

"No you didn't!" Maura cried "He shouldn't be speaking to India! He should have spoken to Anna first! Telling India he likes her while dating Anna is fucking cheating! It doesn't matter how India feels about him!"

"I told Jordan to talk to Anna first! Because she needed to hear it from him! Jordan should not have made a move on India!-"

"He wasn't making a move!"

"Telling someone you like them isn't making a move?!" Maura exclaimed "If we were dating would you tell another girl you liked them behind my back?!"


"Exactly!" We shouted in unison

"Jordan and Anna were dating! Anna should not be fighting with him like this! He should have listened to me rather than you!"

"I was trying to help! I told him to do what was right!-"

"Yeah and how well did your definition of right get you?! Oh right Amy fucking left!" I shouted


"Fuck you Curtis! Fuck you!" I shouted at him and ran straight to Anna. Amber, Maura and I wrapped our arms around her and brought her inside to the lounge

All the girls gasped and the others ran to see her "Babe, he doesn't deserve someone as amazing or beautiful or kind as you" I assured her "He had made the biggest mistake of his life letting you go because you're such an amazing girl and if he can't see that then fuck him,"

"Love you" She sniffed

"Love you too" I smiled

Abigail: Tonight has definitely been the worst night in the villa. I'm so furious at Curtis and Jordan right now, but I feel so bad for India and Anna. Jordan never deserved Anna and India doesn't deserve to be in the middle of this. I just can't believe how stupid Jordan was to listen to Curtis, honestly I can't believe any of the boys agreed with them. No one should ever be cheated on, no one should ever be lied to. And every girl out there deserves so much better than a guy who will


Next Time...

Our islanders become parents for a day...

"Is that what I think it is?"


The girls make their choices...

"Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling in which the girls will choose which boy they want to couple up with, and then each couple will face a public vote."

"So the boy I want to couple up with is..."

And a shock dumping hits the villa...

"The public will be voting for their favourite couples, the couples with the two fewest votes will be dumped from the island tonight"

"The final couple saved by the public is..."

"Holy shit,"

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