Chickflick Moment

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Chapter XII





Nico paced back and forth in his cabin, within the span of an hour an entire army of people had knocked on his door trying to get him to talk about his feelings, or as Dean Winchester would say, "Have a chickflick moment."

Another knock sounded and Nico turned to face the door, sighing. The person outside waited a few seconds before speaking, "Nico," it was Leo Valdez, Nico rolled his eyes, Of course. "I just want to talk to you, I don't want to discuss your feelings or anything, I just want to apologize. To your face. So just please open the door." He waited and Nico folded his arms, refusing to speak. "Neeks, I just really- oh, hey!" Leo broke off as Nico threw the door open, fuming.

"Do not call me that."

Leo held up his hands in surrender, "Sorry," he said, scooting past Nico into the cabin. The Italian watched him through narrowed eyes as he gingerly sat on one of the bunks, smiling serenely.

He rolled his eyes and shut the door, folding his arms again, "What do you want?"

Leo rolled his eyes, muttering something about greetings and people being jerks. "I already told you," he said in a louder voice, "I want to apologize. I seriously feel really bad. . . I just slipped up and. . . I'm sorry." He sighed, "I don't even know what to say." He raked a hand through his curly hair, making it even messier than it already was. "It wasn't Will's fault, it was mine. Please don't take it out on him, he's heartbroken."

Nico looked at him, his eyes filled with pain, "I know." He said, his voice sounding hoarse.

Leo's brow crinkled in confusion, "Then why. . .?"

Nico sat down on the bunk across from him, looking at the wall instead of at Leo. "I just. . ." He shook his head. "Please go."


"Leo, I don't want to talk about it."

"I just want to help."

"How?" Nico asked faintly, Leo came to sit next to him.

"I don't know. . . But I promise I won't tell anyone anything you tell me. . ." He cringed and stood up. "Yeah. . . I wouldn't trust me either, I'm sorry."

Nico watched as he left, he didn't want to be alone but he didn't want to call Leo back either. What would they even talk about besides him and Will if he did? The door clicked shut softly, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He curled into a ball on the bed, hugging his pillow.

The darkness crowded him, seeming to push down physically on him like a living thing. Whispers of insecurities, guilt, accusations, the voice inside his head taunted him ceaselessly, but Nico refused to give in. He turned over on his stomach, covering his head with his pillow and reliving that night in his head.

Nico bolted away from them, his head down in an attempt to hide the tears streaming down his pale cheeks. He shoved people aside and threw the door open, racing away from the building. Oh gods, they know. Everyone knows. He was going to tell them all eventually, but not like this. The fact that they'd known all this time without his consent. . . He shook his head, running faster to his cabin.

"NICO!" Will shouted, he didn't stop.

His boyfriend caught up to him, catching his arm and pulling him against his chest and wrapping his arms around his waist so he couldn't run away. Nico pulled at Will's arms, "Let me go!"

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