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[Bus Rides]

It wasn't the same waking up on a day that you know will be bad. Your eyes stay closed and your body doesn't want to get up, that's how you'd usually feel when waking up. On bad days, your mind forces you to wake up and get out of bed, making you unable to go back to sleep.

(Y/n) gave up on trying to fall back into unconsciousness and instead stared at the wall that her bed was against. The sun shone through the window that was on the side of her room and beamed light into her formerly dark bedroom.

Today was the day. She'd be sent off to the camp that almost every kid hated without another glance from her oblivious parents. She heard the neighborhood buzzing with equal amounts of anticipation and depression and it made her want to stick her head back under her blankets.

"(Y/n)! It's time to get up, the bus'll be here in an hour!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes and grunted at her mother's loud voice so early in the awful morning. She was dreading the moment that she'd be called, it meant that today wasn't just a dream or prank being pulled on her by her family.

She sighed into her pillows one more time before begrudgingly pushing herself up into a sitting position. Her blankets fell from her upper body and bunched up around her hips, the warmth around the top half of her leaving and being chilled by the cool summer morning air.

It wasn't just the stories that has her hating the camp, it was also the fact that she'd be sent there with nothing but her clothes and other essential items. That means no Walkman, no books, and certainly no Atari's or any video games of that sorts. The only means of entertainment they had there was the fights that campers would get into and whatever activity they would be doing that day.

(Y/n) stayed still like that for a moment, just wasting time before she had to really get her ass in gear. She'd be leaving her comfy home behind and be waking up in a wood cabin by tomorrow.

"Fuck." She groaned loudly as she flopped back on her bed, the mattress squeaking from her sudden movement. The next few weeks was going to be sickening.


Her jeans felt like they were suffocating her legs, which they probably were, and the t-shirt that she wore under her navy blue sweatshirt stuck to her back. It was hotter than usual in her house even though it was dewy and chilly outside. She probably picked the wrong outfit to wear that day but it didn't matter, she didn't want to get eaten alive by mosquitoes when she got there.

She picked at her breakfast that her mother made for her while the woman sat across from her, her father already gone to work without even a goodbye. If he did say it, she wasn't awake to hear it.

"So," Her mother began as she took a bite of the eggs on her plate, an eyebrow raised from curiosity. "Are you excited for today?"

(Y/n) internally scoffed but shrugged nonetheless, "Not really." She mumbled making the older woman narrow her eyes and forcing the girl to repeat herself.

"Why not? There'll be tons of kids your age there and I'm sure you'll know one of them." Her mother clearly didn't understand that she didn't have anyone but herself as a friend. (Y/n) huffed before getting up from the table, bringing her plate with her to put it in the sink. She hadn't eaten much of her breakfast at all but she wasn't very hungry in the first place. Her nerves and dread weren't helping with her appetite.

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