[1] Discovery

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In a school where money and social standings matter sometimes secrets spill out, and when that happens... well... let's just say people will do whatever they can to keep it a secret.. WHATEVER THEY CAN..


September 6, 2018

"Alight everyone, take your seats and be quite" The teacher said as we all sat down in our assigned seats ready for the new school year. 

While many of my classmates looked forward to the new school year, I didn't. Each one of my classmates had something SPECIAL about them. Some were overly pretty, some were extremely smart, some were athletic, and then there is me. I wasn't amazing at sports, not smart or dumb, I wasn't ugly or pretty, I was very in the middle, making me Average.

Although, the one thing that everyone in this school has in common, is that we are rich. Born and raised in luxury you would expect me to have something special about me, but I guess being rich doesn't grant you uniqueness. 

"Your Student Body President, Levi Ackerman, is here to speak to you guys so please be quite." The teacher introduced him as Levi made his way to the front of the room.

Levi Ackerman, the blueprint for a model student in this luxurious school. From head to toes he is seen and regarded to as the Pride of Maria Academy. Amazing at sports, and always the top scorer in exams, he is the epitome of perfection. Although his cold demeanor usually puts many people off at first, he is actually just really composed and his posture never wavers. 

He's also hot and a senior which attracts lots of girls.

"I just wanted to congratulate one of the students in this class for getting an extremely high score on the finals that we took just before school ended last year. This score has now become the highest finals score for a sophomore, so congratulations to Armin Arlert." His calm monotone voice echoed throughout the room.

I stared at Levi as he said his goodbyes which I couldn't really hear from the clapping for Armin. There is something off about him, I just know it.

It took a while for the class to quite down but they did and we then proceeded to have our usual first day of lesson mainly talking about rules and asking around the room what they did during summer because teacher just love to get in to our businesses. 


I walked through the loud cafeteria to find my seat.

"You okay Y/n? You were dozing out a lot during 3rd period." Sasha pointed out as her poked my forehead for no reason.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired since it's the first day of school." I answered.

"Oh okay. Wanna hear some gossip I heard from the my senior sister?"


"Levi and Petra broke up 2 months ago." Sasha said as she stuffed her face with smashed potatoes.

I'll just act like I care.

"Why? They were the perfect couple."

"Who knows, I once heard a rumor that Petra was actually really controlling. Maybe that's why they broke."

It could be true, but highly unlikely.

"Petra, the goddess of the school, the nicest person in the entire school, inside she's actually controlling? That doesn't make sense."

I don't think Petra would be dumb enough to risk her father's reputation. If the media found out that one of the famous actor's daughters were a controlling maniac, his perfect and non scandalous reputation would be ruined. Rumors would go around saying how he probably raised Petra the wrong way and that's why she's not right. For an actor his reputation is everything, if it's tainted, well, it's over.

"So who broke up with who?" I asked Sasha who always seemed to know the latest gossip, surely she would know who ended it.

This time I was genuinely curious.

"Petra ended I think."

Maybe the real maniac was Levi.

No, I think I just a problem with Levi. That's why I'm accusing him without proof.

Something about him just bugs me.

He just gives me weird vibes.

Is it because he's so perfect?

I should stop thinking about him, it's last year here so he won't bug me anymore next year.

My eyes wandered around the cafeteria and landed on Petra talking to a guy. They looked like they were getting a long.

I don't think I've seen Petra talk to any other guy than Levi.

I turned my attention to Levi who was eating at the council table.

I can't tell whether he notices Petra talking to another guy or he just doesn't care.

Petra and Levi's relationship was a mystery to me. They've been together since the beginning of sophomore year and somehow their seemingly perfect relationship crumbles 2 months before their senior year starts. They were always together and were always doing couple stuff, well that's what I heard from Sasha's sister.

Levi, the Pride of the School and Petra the Goddess of the school.

How could such a perfect couple break up?

Something must've happened. Although I'm curious I'm not going to get nosy and invade their privacy.

Just one more year and Levi will be gone.

End of school

I stood in the front entrance of the school as I my mind casually wondering into a romantic scenario from an anime. I soon came out of my imagination and looked at my watch.

Where is he? Driver Kim is usually never late.

Just then I heard a quiet scream inside the school. I instinctively looked behind me. A cold feeling ran through me.

What was that?

I thought everyone went home already.

It's probably just a bunch of boys messing around.

Another quiet scream came from inside again. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and became extremely curious. 

What is that noise?

I'll just take a quick peek to see what's going on.

I walked back into the school followed a wailing sound. Walking up the stairs the crying got louder and louder. I felt a somewhat uneasy feeling as I kept walking towards the crying. I soon I found myself in front of the school council room.

No one would be dumb enough to enter the council room.

Maybe it's one of the council members.

I parted the blinds small enough for me to see, and what I saw would be enough to terrify me for weeks.

Levi Ackerman laughing while continuously stabbing another student...

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