Chapter 2: Hello and Goodbye Little Sister

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She was falling, falling and hurling through a spiral of light and darkness. Her hair escaped the scrunchie that held it back and whips around at her face and neck during her freefall. Pockets of lights showed different worlds at different points.

A fiery red light showed creatures unlike any she'd seen or red about before. They were the definition of grotesque with their puke green armored body coloring, burnt orange claws, multiple mustard yellow horns protruding from various angles on their heads, rotting incisors extending five inches past a long pointed mandible, and two rows of razor sharp teeth. They ripped and tore at each other's flesh neon slimy blue blood spurting and spilling.

A pale blue light revealed what looked to be people in medieval clothing dancing and singing about. She was positive she saw what looked to be Snow White and the seven dwarves come to life.

An orange light showed what looked to be her home, New York City burning as bombs were dropped from jets flying overhead. People were trying to escape buildings by throwing themselves out windows despite being so far high up, debris crushed those on the ground running and screaming for their lives. Meanwhile, things that looked human attacked them from behind. Their teeth pushing in and ripping as they ate those they managed to grab a hold of.

Finally after what felt like hours her body collided into a flashing golden light that encased her and her eyes closed from the sheer brightness. It felt like she had been thrown into a pool and had sunk to the bottom instantly. Her legs kicked out as she swam up and up. The faint white light growing larger until only a few feet below the surface she reached out her hand.

 The faint white light growing larger until only a few feet below the surface she reached out her hand

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Two Years Later

August 2, 1977

It was a regular morning to start. Breakfast with her new Grams, Mom, and sisters all while trapped in the mind of a toddler Phoebe who was dressed as a fairy princess for the third time that week. It was Tuesday. Time seemed to pass so slowly as she was trapped inside a barely two year old that was constantly toddling around and falling on her butt while chasing after Prue and Piper. Though when it was actually said, it came out more like 'Poo' and 'Pip-pa'.

Grams took them to Buddy's Diner for lunch with Mom that day. She was propped up in the booth having refused the baby chair. "I big girl." Listening to the drab conversation of a toddler wasn't exactly high on her priority so she usually found something within Phoebe's vision to focus on as the girl was the one in control. Currently it was the way Mom was constantly rubbing at her distended stomach and they way her eyes would give this subtle twitch as she drew in a long breath from her nose and breathed out huffily. She'd been doing it since before they walked in as far as she could tell and she was positive Grams had noticed it too.

By the time they were finished eating, Mom had been flinching every few minutes and getting closer together. "How long, Patty?"

"It's just Braxton. I think I would know if it was time."

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