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title: shoes - chris brown

elle's POV
"okay our next candidate is named addison edmonds. weird last name but seems nice. she's nineteen years old and just graduated from high school. she says she's applying because she loves kids. she should be here in-" i explain until the doorbell cuts me off. "right now i guess" i shrug and stand up before walking to the door and opening it. a girl about 5'6 maybe 5'7 stands in the doorway with a smile. she has long blonde hair and blue/green eyes. "are you addison?" i ask. "yes i am" she nods and extends her hand for me to shake. "i'm elle. my wife, billie, is in the living room if you'll just follow me." i tell her and lead her inside.

turns out addison was just in it to meet billie. billie took a few pictures with her because she asked and we sent her away. now we're about to meet with someone named skylar green. "i like her name" billie announces while i read over her resume. "she just turned twenty and she wants to go to UCLA but she doesn't have enough money for tuition so that's why she is applying. she'll be here in a few minutes." i read aloud and billie listens intently. "alright. i'm gonna go check on the kids" she announces and stands up.

several minutes later the doorbell rings but finn beats me to the door. "hello, my name is finneas blake o'connell. you can call me finn. it's nice to meet you" i hear finn reciting what i taught him to say when he meets someone new and finally get to the door to see him with his hand stretched out to shake the girl's hand. "well it's lovely to meet you finn. my name is skylar." she introduces herself. she has dark green hair and one light blue eye and one honey brown eye behind round black glasses. "hi skylar, i'm elle" i smile at her and shake her hand as well. "finn will you please go get your mama?" i ask nicely. he nods and runs upstairs, coming back down with billie soon after. "hey, i'm billie" she waves to skylar. "skylar" she waves back sweetly and billie smiles a little. "before we start a whole conversation why don't we actually let you inside and we can go talk in the living room" i suggest. "that sounds great" skylar agrees.

we sit down in the living room, billie and i by each other and skylar on the couch across from us. "first of all i'd like to say that i love your hair and your eyes and just your everything" i start off as i wave my hand in front of her to show that i mean i like her style as well. "god you're talking about her like i'm not even here" billie laughs and nudges me. "thank you elle. and i don't want to make it seem like i'm just applying because of this but i really admire you both." she tells us. we chat for a little bit longer and i decide it's probably best to start the interview. "okay. how many kids have you watched at one time and how many do you feel comfortable with?" i ask, reciting the one of the question ideas i looked up on google from memory. "the last person i nannied for had like eight kids and i think i handled them pretty well. but i think i'd say like five is the magic number for me. not too much to handle, but not too easy. i like a bit of a challenge." she answers. "great, is three or four  good for you?" billie asks. "yep" she nods. she has one leg crossed over the other and her hands are clasped on her knee to show she's trying to be professional. "please explain a time in which one or more of the children you were watching misbehaved and how you handled it" i order.

the rest of the interview goes really well, now is the part where she really meets kids, not just learn their names and shit. billie comes down with the kids behind her and they each wait for instruction. "shake her hand" i whisper to them. they all try to shake her hand at the same time and she laughs. "i'm skylar, what's your name?" she asks when she shakes em's hand. "my name is emory beau banana o'connell but you can just call me em." she answers with a smile. "that's quite a nice name. you wanna know what my middle name is?" skylar asks. "yes!" em nods excitedly. "it's emory" she says with a smile, making em's grin widen. "really?" she asks happily. "yep" she assures her. "that's awesome!" em exclaims. "i know right? do you mind if i talk to your brother for a minute? i'll talk to you in just a second" she questions, referring to gray who is bouncing up and down impatiently. "i guess so" em agrees.

"i'm gray. you're really pretty. why are your eyes different colors? is your hair naturally green? how old are you? i'm seven. i'm the oldest of the three of us. i shot out of my mommy's vag-" gray rambles until i cut him off. "gray, why don't you take a deep breath for me and slow down a bit okay?" i suggest. he obeys with his eyes closed and extends his fist. "i don't like shaking hands. mama tells me i can fist bump. do you know how to do that?" gray asks with his head tilted and his fist still out. "uh no i don't. can you please teach me?" she asks, seeing gray smile when he realizes he gets to teach something. gray loves teaching. that's one of his favorite things. he says it makes him feel smart. "make your hand into a ball like this" he explains, curling her fingers into a fist for her as he speaks. "and then hit my hand with it but not too hard" he puts his fist iut once again and skylar taps the top of his hand with he fist. "no, hit right here" he orders, pointing to his knuckles. "ohhh, okay" she nods and fist bumps him. "did i do it?" she asks hopefully. "yes! everybody clap for skylar" he announces. we all obey and clap for her, only elle and i knowing she pretended to not know so gray would be happy.

after about an hour of just seeing how skylar plays and interacts with the kids, billie and i go into the other room to talk. "i think she's really good. the best we've seen today" i tell billie. "i agree. i love her." he says with a serious look and a nod. "you're a dork. let's go tell her she's got the job" i suggest happily, pulling billie to the living room by her hand.

we get back to the living room and billie has the kids leave the room. "so we've seen a lot of good people today..." billie starts, giving me a wink so i know she's gonna mess with skylar. "i think i get what you're saying. it was nice meeting you" skylar sighs a little but covers it up with a smile. "you got the job skylar. billie's just being a bitch" i tell her. "oh my god really?" she exclaims with a big smile. "yep" billie nods. "thank you so much! would it be weird to hug?" she asks. "bring it in" i laugh and hold my arms open. she hugs me and i hug her back with a giggle. once she pulls away she hugs billie and smiles at us once they break it off. "so you have my number. is there anything else you need to know?" she asks. "not that i know of. wait! when can you start?" i question, hoping it's soon because it's monday and we're supposed to go record the podcast tomorrow. "whenever you need me" she answers. "how about tomorrow?" billie suggests. "that works" she nods.

thank god we found a good one

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