Wake Up Call

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November 1, 1978 New Orleans, Louisiana – Room 736, The Fairmont Hotel 8:47 AM

 Freddie was in the most delightful of moods as he stepped out of the shower. There was a press conference at 10:00 and though he was hungover he still managed to function. There was a hangover and then there was a Freddie Mercury hangover…most normal people couldn’t handle a Freddie Mercury hangover. At any rate, he stepped out of the shower and couldn’t help but giggle when he looked over to the stack of beads on his nightstand. However, despite his hangover he also felt a bit fatigued, perhaps as if he were beginning to take a cold. His neck hurt and he felt rather hot. Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of an envelope that had been slid under the door. Immediately he picked it up: FREDDIE MERCURY AND MR. JIM BEACH. He opened the envelope and immediately was rather surprised by what was inside. He stared at what he saw before not even bothering to lock his hotel room door as he went rushing for John’s room wearing nothing but his towel.

 November 1, 1978 New Orleans Louisiana – Room 719, The Fairmont Hotel 8:47 AM

 “Hey. How’d you sleep?” Brian asked, his hand in the middle of a sea of hair. She yawned and sighed contently.

 “Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. I’ve missed your eyes and your touch and…I’ve missed you.” she said softly.  It made Brian smile.

 “I’ve thought about you so much. Wondered how you were doin’ and if you were happy.” He said. She sighed contently again.

 “Well, I like living in Baton Rouge but I’ll be honest with you. I’ve never stopped thinkin’ about you since 1974. And my god last night, Brian you…” she blushed and smiled her beautiful smile. “Brian, you’ve gotten a lot better. She laughed so sweetly.

 “God, your laughter is like….it’s like the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.” Brian laughed with her. “I have a son so I had some practice.” He said before laughing with her.  Peaches propped herself up on her elbow and looked at him.

 “How old is he?” she asked.

 “Six months.” He answered her.

 “Do you have a picture of him? I bet he looks just like you.”  she asked. Brian smiled.

 “Yeah, let me show you.” he rolled over and reached over her to the night stand. “His name is James. Here he is.” He said, showing Peaches the picture he kept in his wallet of little James. She gasped.

 “Brian! Brian, he’s beautiful. Oh he’s such a sweet looking little boy! Look at his soft eyes like yours and his happy little smile.” She looked over at Brian and put a hand into his hair.

 “He’s a good boy.” Brian shared with her. “I have a press conference at 10:00 and then we have to get on the road. We have to be in Florida in two days.” Brian’s eyes were a bit sullen as he shared the information with Peaches. “I need to get a shower. How about you order us some room service breakfast? I can’t possibly face this press without having a nice breakfast with you.” His words were sincere. In fact, his words were dangerously sincere. Brian had the softest, dearest and truest spot in his heart for her.

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