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Jace White was your average teenage protagonist, he wasn't special, popular, or particularly "normal."

you see, Jace was into "hunting," his father gave him a pocket knife when he was young, and since he lived in the woods it was a match mad in heaven, but... he wasn't hunting any normal game animal, he had taken a liking to hunting something much more sentimental, his nearby neighbors pets, it gave him small satisfaction to know someone would grieve over this.

He knew very well that he'd never get caught, that is unless someone ended up following him into the forest, people would just assume their beloved pets got killed by another animal in the wilderness, I mean, its the risk that you take before deciding to live in the woods, right?...

He also had a passion for horror movies, he found that the movies never left him bored, he enjoyed the fear a singular subject could convey.

but having these weird characteristics didn't keep him from having friends, well... A friend
His name was Levi Harris, he wasn't a good kid either, that's the only reason Jace was even remotely friends with Levi.

everybody that Levi met had some problem with him and they soon ended up with broken bones or in critical medical condition, word got around and he became the most avoided kid at school, that is until he met Jace, you see he wasn't scared of Levi for even a second, Jace even looked up to him idolizing him as if he were some god, but Levi had his own thoughts on what kind of person Jace was,  according to him Jace was a wimp and not particularly interesting,  but in the end beggars can't be choosers, Levi decided to be all buddy buddy with Jace for the time being...

but eventually Jace's secrets would come crawling from the very dust he had hid his victims under...

Homicide (2020 Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now