⇜23rd hour⇝ you are all so insufferable

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ATSUSHI leaps at the boy the second he sees him and I sigh, leaning against the back railing. "This is not the time boys. I mean are we seriously doing this already?" They ignore my words and Akutagawa throws up defense using Rashomon. 

I look toward the doorway that leads to the rest of the ship and contemplate leaving the two alone, but I don't really want them to kill each other... They trade blows and I pinch the bridge of my nose. How in the fuck do I always end up dealing with idiots?

When I look back over at them Akutagawa's staring at the weretiger with wide eyes. "I am here to kill you two." My eyes roll and I cross my arms over my chest, examining my nails. "I have been tracking you down ever since my defeat last time... but the Detective Agency has been operating clandestinely since the outbreak of the three-way-conflict."

His head tilts to the side and I groan ready to interfere. "I was only able to pin you down this time... because I now have access to your mission plan, thanks to our alliance with the Detective Agency."

My eyes shift to the two boys and I narrow them. "If you two don't wrap this shit up quickly, I'll fry you both and go deal with Rich Bitch myself." Akutagawa's eyes meet my body and they widen almost comically. "So if you don't mind finishing this little idiotic quarrel I'd be very appreciative." 

"In case you didn't listen the first time... I'm here to kill you as well."

The sigh that leaves my lips sounds slightly like a groan. "Dude if only you could kill me. I've been waiting for like five years man, and yet no dice. So if you figure out a way to actually end my life, please let me know." 

Atsushi looks at me quizzically before turning back to the raven haired man. "Akutagawa. I'm currently on the line with Dazai. I think he wants to speak with you." The detective then throws his earpiece off the walkway and Akutagawa leaps off after it. 

I cover my mouth with my hand and my body rocks with a laugh. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Atsushi motioning for me to follow him. My hand drops to my side and I follow him down the next hallway. He turns to me and sweat rolls down his face like he's nervous. "I've been meaning to ask you... what do you mean you can't die? I've heard you mention it before but I still don't know exactly what you're talking about." I smirk at his words and place my hands behind my head as we walk. 

"It's not a part of my ability I enjoy all too much. To be honest, if I could die that would make things a lot easier. If things go the way I think they will, you'll find out what it means relatively soon." He grimaces at my words but nods and continues walking toward the door that would hopefully lead to Fitzgerald. 

He pulls it open and I eye the blond man sitting at the end of the room. "Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Francis turns around slightly to face us and I wave. "But it hasn't been that long, has it, my boy? Looking for this?" He holds up a rectangular device, that no doubt was the controller for the ship. 

The man stands and flips the controller in his hands. "One of my secrets of success is... never leave the most important job to somebody else. Speaking of which, do you know how much the Moby Dick weighs? Twenty-nine thousand tons in total. When dropped from a height of two kilometers, the force is akin to one-hundred forty tons of tnt going off dead in the middle of the city. The ground will cave in, leaving behind a giant crater. The surface of the Earth will become rumpled like a rug, all constructions reduced to rubble. Nothing but a wasteland will remain." 

I scratch my head and let out another sigh as Atsushi balls his fists and yells at the man. "How could you... I'll never let you get away with that!"

"I cannot believe I'm already having to deal with shit like this... I mean for gods sake it's been like a few weeks since I joined the agency." My words come out as a mutter and Atsushi pays me no attention. 

Fitzgerald points at us and places his other hand on his chair. "Secret number two, don't be fettered by others values. In any case, we are both busy people with precious little time to waste. If you're here for the terminal, then lets make it simple. We start running on the count of three. Whoever reaches the terminal first wins." He stops and points at me. "You however cannot participate, because your ability naturally makes you incredibly fast."

Atsushi stares at me like Fitzferald's words are news to him and I sigh before leaning against the wall next to door and placing my hands up in surrender. "You are literally such a fucking cheating bastard." He merely laughs at my complaints and steps away from the chair.

"If you win, you can do whatever you want with the Moby Dick. But if I win, you have to obey me and help me find the artifact I'm after." When he starts counting down I lean slightly away from the wall and by the time he says three, Atsushi is being kicked against the wall. 

He straightens his tie and I grimace. "Secret number three, people are a lot more predictable when given a good chance they can't pass up." The white haired boy stands, barely, and Fitzgerald smirks. "Oh? You managed to get back on your feet after taking that kick. Impressive... young man who defies fate and gets back up despite coughing up blood. You remind me of my younger self. Very well. Ten thousand might've been a bit too insulting to you." He pulls a stack of cash out of his pocket and I go wide eyed.

"These are the securities in my possession. Worth one-hundred thousand USD in total. I believe I have yet to introduce my ability to you, isn't that right?" He throws the money in the air and it dissolves in a flash of green. "This is my ability! The ability to administer a boost to my physical prowess that's directly proportional to the amount of my spending!" He kicks the boy again and I push myself from the wall that I'd been leaning on previously. 

Francis stretches his arms and looks down at Atsushi with a smirk. "Take it as an honor my boy. It's been years since I last used one-hundred thousand... Though it would probably take less than a month for Zelda to spend this much. With that, everything goes according to plan. Moby Dick will crash, and I have you captured."

My body shifts slightly and I glance toward the chair that had been forgotten. When I look back toward the pair, he's stepping on Atsushi's back and staring at something in the hall. 

With a heavy sigh I step toward the chair near the middle of the room and snatch the terminal from it with a grin. I step out of the room cautiously and Fitzgerald's eyes land on me. "Well, if you don't mind I'll be taking my leave now." My eyes catch Akutagawa's and I smile brightly. "Oh great your finally here. Okay so do you mind keeping Mr. Capitalism busy for a while? Also please try to avoid killing Atsushi, that goes for you too kitten, please don't kill Akutagawa."

I hold up the terminal and wave it lightly. "Thanks for this by the way." My mouth turns upward in a smile before I take off in a sprint down the hallway. "Thank you boys! I owe you one!" The last thing I hear before I'm out of earshot is Atsushi's groan and a scowl from the Port Mafia member. 

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