To The Man I Love Thee;

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MEDIUM: English

To the man I love thee,
Can we go out and sip a tea;
I just want to share a story;
A story of you and me.

You are not perfect but for me-
   you are my kind of perfection,
They say it is just an infatuation,
But honey I know its love and-
                 that is my declaration,
I know it will always be you even-
                in a sea of temptation.

Never knew that love will come-
                                         our way,
Cause we started as a play,
But listen to what will I say,
I love you and all I wanna do is-

The butterflies in my tummy that-
                          never stop to fly,
The eyes that never need to cry,
My heart shouting your name so-
Oh, honey, I just love you wholeheartedly.

All my hope, dreams even my heart-
                                      is in your hand,
This love make me feel so fond,
Everything you were near it feels like-
                                 I'm at wonderland,
You came when the fairy use her wand.

You're the guy I always dream of,
I hope this relationship don't get off,
I want this relationship to take off,
Cause, hon, you're the only want I want
                                        to take care of.

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