The Electric Gang is shooting at Barry while Wally speeds up to Barry 

" Oh, hey." Barry says. 

" How do you wanna play this?" Wally asks. 

" I have an idea." Barry says. 

" Eyes up! Here he comes. Just the red one." The guy says.

Wally crashes the windows of the car and Barry speeds around and the car crashes

" Nice work. They're out cold. Okay, boys." Barry says. 

" They saved us. They saved us. Who are you? " The cheerleaders ask. 

"Um..." Wally says. 

Barry signals to Wally and blinks his eye

" I'm Kid Flash." Wally says. 

" Oh, my gosh. Can we get your picture?" The cheerleader ask. 

" Yes. Whoo. Okay, bye. " Wally says. 

Go Kid Flash. Go Kid Flash." The cheerleaders cheer after Wally makes a lightening bolt and speeds away

The next morning 

" Nice save! Couldn't have scripted it better myself." HR says. 

"Barry did most of the heavy lifting." Wally says. 

" BA." HR says. 

" Yes, bravo, boys. Although I did find at least six ways you could have done it more efficiently, just... just saying." Julian says. 

" I mean the busload of  hot cheerleaders seemed like the way we did things." Wally say . 

" Oh, that's going in the book. You know what? I'm running low; let me buy  you a cup of coffee over at CCJitters. Bond, are you coming?" HR asks Julian.

" No, thank you." Julian says. 

" So exactly how many hot cheerleaders?" Iris asks. 

" I was a good boy. You know, he's just been looking forward to this for a long time; he's enjoying the moment." Barry says. 

" Welk, I'm glad you have his back." Iris says. 

" We have each other's back. It's actually been really nice having him out there." Barry says. 

" Hey, I meant to ask you. When you found the Electric Gang, did you see them meeting with anyone else?" Iris asks. 

" Like who?" Barry asks. 

" Well, word on the street it, there is a new arms dealer in town with access to sophisticated weaponry like the gun Plunder used." Iris says. 

" Don't you think that's something for the police to handle?" Barry asks.

" I'm still a journalist, Barry. I can't hide from the world because of what you saw. I'll see you at home." Iris says as she kisses him. 

" Can't lose her, Cisco. Please tell me you found a way to change the future." Barry says. 

" We found a way to change the future." Cisco says. 

" Did you really?" Barry asks. 

" No, but Caitlin and I did find a way to map it. You're gonna love this. Follow me." Cisco says as Barry follows Cisco to his workshop. 

" Julian suggested we make a 3-D reconstruction of the scene from the future exactly as we saw it." Cisco says. 

" With toys." Barry says. 

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now