"oh, i see. who made the first move-"

"felix, stop already." changbin shyly interrupted, feeling more flutters inside his stomach. he watched as felix nod with a widen smirk, noticing how shy he was to even talk about it.

"okay, i think i know who it is anyways." he slightly chuckled, earning himself a slap from the older.

"let's just go already." changbin playfully rolled his eyes, wanting to drag him away.

felix chuckled at the cuteness he was showing, unable to smile so hard at the fact that his best friend was finally dating. it was the first and he couldn't help but feel so contented for him; he was gonna love and support him no matter what.

"i know you loved it." felix teased along with a laugh, soon allowing himself to get dragged by changbin.

"where is he?" changbin silently muttered to himself, sadly pouting at the absence of jisung.

"don't worry, he'll come." felix reassured as he patted his shoulder, soon teasing him once more with a smirk. "you really do love him, don't you?"

"shush." was all changbin said, desperate eyes searching for the sight of him.

felix wasn't wrong. jisung was everything to him, it was completely safe to say that he was someone so special to changbin. the fact that he'd desperately yearned for his touches and presence; changbin's love for him was endless.

they waited for what felt like forever, changbin growing more impatient as seconds pass. "i wanna see him." he pouted, wanting to just see him already.

"dude, it's only been 5 minutes. do you wanna see him that bad?" felix replied with a smirk when his eyes soon landed on a certain person. "oh, there he is!"

changbin instantly turned his head to face the person he'd desperately wanted to see, smiling so widely in response. he quickly rushed over to a smiling jisung, arms wide open for another awaited hug.

"did you miss me baby?" jisung chuckled with an enormous smile, hugging the older tightly to his chest. changbin ignored the countless flutters at the name he'd just called him, soon nuzzling his face against his neck.

the two males didn't wanna pull away, it was impossible. they'd yearned for each other's warmth all day, how could they? when all they'd wanted to do was stay in one another's comfort.

it wasn't until felix cleared his throat loudly, alarming the two boys. "as much as you wanna cuddle all day, i'm still here you know."

both of them pulled away almost instantly, feeling the cold air hit against their chest at the absence of warmth they'd wanted to feel. jisung smiled at felix as changbin seemingly looked away, the two soon realising where they were.

"oh hey felix, sorry. i didn't see you there." jisung answered guiltily, causing felix to smile.

"it's okay, you two were in your own world anyways. i couldn't have possibly interrupted like that." felix smiled back, noticing the subtle stares they'd give each other.

"oh right, if you didn't know this already. me and changbin hyung are-"

"together? yeah i know, he told me this morning." felix cut him off, smirking towards him. "he couldn't stop talking about you, he was so whipped."

the moment changbin heard, he immediately turned around to face him. "what? i wasn't-"

"don't try and deny it, you were acting so shy when you talked about the date you both had." felix reasoned with a smirk, causing him to fold his arms.

"he was?" jisung couldn't help but smile widely, loving eyes staring at him. "that's so cute. wish i could see."

"you should've seen it. he was blushing like mad-" but before he could finish his sentence, changbin abruptly shut him up.

"whatever. let's go." changbin rolled his eyes as he slightly whined at jisung, arms clinging onto him.

jisung averted his gaze towards him in response, unable to stop smiling hard at his cuteness. "wait, i want a kiss first." he said, leaning forwards to kiss him.

but to his dismay, changbin gently pushed him away, looking around in awareness. "there's people watching."

"so? they can all see that you belong to me." jisung quietly whispered before quickly giving him a peck on the cheeks. "i'll give you this for now. expect there to be big ones in the future."

changbin madly blushed at his words, shyly looking away. jisung lovingly chuckled as he turned around to face felix who was just smirking. "well, you heard my boyfriend. we're gonna go now."

"sure, have fun. i'll see you later then." felix lastly greeted before they began walking away.

with their hands interwined together, they spent the remaining moments treasuring and cherishing every second spent. even though they'd just started dating, it felt as if they'd been together for already such a long time.

"you didn't have to call me boyfriend, you know." changbin began with a small mutter, jisung still able to hear it. he smiled moments later, inching closer to him until their shoulders touched.

"why not? we're dating now aren't we? that means i can call you that whenever i want." jisung smiled greatly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere between them.

changbin briefly looked over to jisung, unknowingly smiling at the thoughts of it. maybe he liked being called that a bit too much, in fact, whatever jisung was doing, he loved it a lot.

"i love this. i wanna be with you forever." changbin eventually confessed, causing the younger to look at him with love filling his eyes.

"me too, i love you so much hyung." jisung replied, his smile filling his whole face.

"i love you too." they said nothing for a minute, taking the moment to enjoy everything.

it wasn't until jisung instantly turn to face him with an excited expression, anticipating for his answer. "hyung!"

changbin turned to look at him in response, tilting his head moments later. "what is it?"

"do you perhaps, have time tomorrow?" jisung questioned, realising that it was already weekends tomorrow. what could it possibly be that he'd wanted to ask?

"yeah i do, why?" changbin unknowingly replied, curiosity rushing through him.

this caused jisung to smile even wider, already can't wait to ask him. with his thrilled expression written everywhere around his face, he eventually opened his mouth to which changbin widened them afterwards.

"why don't we spend time at your house?"


for skz upcoming comeback, jyp better send them to weekly idol and other shows

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