Don't Get In My Way

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A/N: Alright, I've had this idea in my head for a while and I just had to write it out and post it.

For those of you reading my multi-chap AIR - don't worry! Chapter 9 is in the process of being written and I am aiming to post Sunday next week!

So let me know what you guys think of this one at the end of it :)



Regina is still trying to process the events that had taken place only a few hours prior. Of what had almost happened during what started out to be such a blissful evening.

Regina had almost lost her soulmate today.

The brunette shudders at the thought. At first, she was so shocked by Percival's actions that she froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Then Robin had tackled the man to the floor and Regina remained paralysed with fear, not even fully aware of what was happening. It was only when David had stabbed the man that the brown-eyed woman came to her senses. She had rushed to her thief's side and immediately felt so helpless and shaken when she saw the deep gash in his side, his breathing already laboured. Then seeing her soulmate lay on that table, barely moving and gasping for breath, so close to death made her realize just how terrified she is to lose him.

Regina honestly cannot imagine a life without her thief in it and she is truly grateful to Emma, because thanks to her, the former queen won't have to find out.

But as much as she was scared for the blue-eyed man and his life, now she's incredibly angry with him. Regina couldn't believe he had had the nerve! He had no right to come in and save her like he did. What was he thinking?

Well, it was more than clear that Robin wasn't thinking at all, if he had been he wouldn't have acted so rashly. If he had thought his actions through Regina wouldn't have nearly lost him only hours prior.

She subconsciously shudders at the thought as she leans further back against the tree she decided to rest against. The brown-eyed woman needed a moment to herself to sort through her tumult of emotions. So, that's why as soon as he had fallen asleep she had carefully left the warmth of his embrace and the bed before leaving the room they currently share and making her way to where she is now; Camelot's royal gardens.

Why the royal gardens? Well, nature has always created a peaceful atmosphere for Regina which is exactly what she needs right now.

The brunette's emotions are all over the place. One part of her is relieved that Robin is still with her and the knowledge that he is sleeping peacefully in their bedroom helps calm her nerves immensely. But even then she still fears for his life as another part of her screams for her to go back to her thief and lay her head against his chest just to hear and feel the beating of his heart, telling her that he's alive and well. However, the part that overpowers her relief and fear is her anger towards her soulmate.

She knows she shouldn't be mad at Robin – after all he was only protecting her – but she can't seem to help it. The brunette supposes it's because he's the one who's always telling her not to be so careless with her life and to think before she jumps into the fray, and she's frustrated because he went and did exactly what he's told her not to do! But more than that Regina's angry that she's the exact reason that he acted that way in the first place. Angry that he was so careless as to risk his life for her. Angry at the guilt that consumes her because she involuntarily put him in danger.

The brunette attempts to shake her thoughts away as she feels a hot tear trickle down her cheek, tells herself repeatedly that she should be happy Robin cares about her so much that he is willing to give his life in order to save her. And a part of her is touched, truly touched. But it's not enough to calm her warring emotions.

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