Those six miles destroyed every fiber of muscle in my legs and core, and I was sweating enough to be able to fill a bucket. Carson didn't look any better, having to compete with me since he's not so strong of a runner, pushing himself like never before. His light brown hair was stuck to his head, curled at the ends, his face thoroughly flushed and clothes two shades darker from sweat.

     "You ever," he gasps, bending over to hold his knees and breathe. " ever freaking talk again..." Wow, he was too winded to curse. "I'll kill you," he practically wheezed the last part out, closing his eyes from the effort. "You have...your shit?" I lied, he's not too winded to curse after all."

     I push off of the gate that willingly held my weight as I gathered my breath. "Yep."

     "My car," he nods toward the parking lot across the street. "We'll get your stuff from your car."

     "I don't think so," I shake my head, not moving when he begins to walk into the direction of the lot. I didn't move with him, keeping my spot at the gate. He turns around slowly, arching a brow at me. "I'm not getting stuck with your family to help me if you happen to throw a fit and leave without me."

"Well, Ryker would help you because he's going, too, but whatever," he shrugs. "Where's your car?"

"Back by the dorms—ahh!" I jump away from the gate when a deep voice yells boo. Turning around, I was met with the sight of Hunter pushing his hair out of his face, grinning at me widely. "Don't do that!"

"You had it coming," he looks me up and down, referring to when I accidentally gave the team six miles of running. He points to Carson, "He ain't causing trouble, is he?"

I glance at Carson while he glares at his friend. "Yes."

"I'm not riding in that little Beetle," he turns back to me.

"We'll see about that."

Hunter briefly interjects, saying that he has to go to a bar with some other guys. "Tell your mom I asked when she's gonna let me hit it." Carson jumps as if he's going to fight Hunter for that, but Hunter was too quick with sprinting away.

We look at each other.

I walk off, pulling my hair tie out of my hair, letting it fall over my shoulders before looking back at Carson. He was still looking at me, his eyes trailing down my body before looking back up at my face. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

To avoid the embarrassment of him seeing the blush on my body, I quickly turned around and continued my journey to his car. Though, I was starting to realize just how beautiful he really thought I was. I would've given him a smile if I didn't know he'd feel as if he's growing on me in more than just a sexual way.


"Why the hell do you have all of this for a weekend?" Ryker and I sip on Capri-Suns while Carson grumbles to me about all that I've packed. It's really not much. Raine packs differently than Carter. Raine is extremely indecisive, so she needs to bring her entire closet on trips. He'll learn to understand this.

Ryker scoots closer time me on the sidewalk, whispering in my ear as if we were little kids at recess sneaking in a talk session during timeout. "I don't like you making my friend this way."

"What way?" I whisper back before sipping more of my drink, the small package caving in with each sip.

"He's trying to impress you, you know," he mumbles, eyeing Carson as he finishes packing his stuff and mine. Ryker's can fit in the backseat as he only packed a small suitcase, if you can even call it that. He probably only has a shirt and shorts in there, not giving a damn about any hygienic stuff since he can get that when we get there. "He's being on his best behavior for this wedding."

Storm, Meet Raine Where stories live. Discover now