Chapter 22|' We have the same mom, genius'|

Start from the beginning

I share a curious glance with Parker who shrugs. "Go ahead," I tell him suspiciously, crossing my arms over my chest.

He looks back at Roman who crosses his own arms and raises a brow. Ryder rolls his eyes before sighing loudly. "I'm sorry," He mutters. "You know... about the whole 'your-dad-shot-me-thing'."

"Oh, its okay," I tell him nonchalantly. "I'm over it."

A triumphant grin spread across Ryder's face. "Really?"


His face fell. "Why?"

"If you were sorry, you should have said it right after it happened. Which, obviously means you are not." I crossed my arms.

Ryder scowled. "Doesn't it count now? Don't you hear the words coming out of my mouth?"

"No!" I shouted at him, surprising him and everyone around us. "The only reason you are up here now is because Roman made you! Look around, Ryder! We all can see that you don't have a sorry bone in your body or else you wouldn't even had went along with the idea that I thought I had just watched someone die before my eyes! Do you know how traumatising that is?" I laugh humorlessly. "And then to find out that your own dad wanted to be apart of it too, that he wanted to scare the living hell out of his own daughter."

His eyes suddenly turned cold as he said, "No, I have no idea how you feel because, I don't have a dad like you do, okay! Mine's buried six feet under ground in a cemetery!"

Gasps were heard from around the lot and both Ryder and I were suddenly aware of the fifty nosy students hovered around us. Behind me, Roman, and my brothers stood looking at Ryder in shock. Hell, I was shocked. I didn't know that his dad had passed away. I don't think anyone knew. Ryder wasn't the type of guy to have a lot of friends who he'd tell and would have travel around the school.

I immediately felt bad. Here I was, holding grudges against my own family, and Ryder didn't even really have one.

Ryder was standing there with this weird look in his eye as he stared at me. "I..."

He cleared his throat. "It doesn't matter, okay? Just drop it."

"I didn't know," I told him softly. "I am so sorry for your loss."

"Didn't you hear me?" He seethed, his personality doing a sudden one- eighty. "I said drop it. Listen for once in your life, Ryder."

He looked past my shoulder and directed his attention to Roman. "Can we go now?"

Roman nodded, still astonished. "Yeah... Let's go." Roman passed me and put a hand on Ryder's shoulder, spinning him around and leading him towards his jeep, not looking back once.

And I was left standing there with my jaw open and glassy eyes on full view for everybody to see.

Figuring out that I probably wasn't going to be moving anytime soon, Mitchell, who must've appeared sometime during our... fight, put an arm around my shoulders and lead me back to his car.

He gave Taylor the keys, who took them silently and opened the back door for me to enter. Vinny slid into the passengers seat as Parker and Mitchell sat on either side of me in the back.

The rest of the drive was spent silently, a feeling of melancholy settling in the car and the guilt eating me up inside increased.

What's up fellow wattpaders? I am so sorry for the long no update thing. I just found it so hard to write because I felt like I had no idea what I was doing with this story. I mean, this is my first story on this website and I'm like a fourteen year old girl who's stuck in the big apple.
Anyways, how do you like the chapter? I feel like I need to start moving the plot along. I know how I want this book the end, and right now, we aren't even halfway there. I was very reluctant to put this up, I still am right now as I type it, but, you gotta risk it to get the biscuit.
What do you think is going to happen next? What do you think should happen next?


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