Part 1 the knife

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Toga POV:
   Dabi and handyman went up to there room so I went a grabbed my knifes to go kill people.
  "Where are you going toga?" Mamakiri asked me.
"I'm going to kill people brother and handyman are asleep and I'm boreddddded"
(Btw toga calls dabi brother because he's like a brother to her)
"Alright be careful and be back by midnight" I smiled showing my fangs and skipped out the back door into an eerie alleyway. I heard a faint whisper further down the alleyway so I quietly snuck down to see a girl with green fluffy hair and a school uniform on she looked as if she might have been crying so I hid behind the dumpster to see what was going on.
  "Ohhh deku where are youuuu" said a loud creppy voice. Suddenly an explosion was heard and a boy with blond hair and crimson eyes walked out of it and pinned the girl to the wall she screeched and struggled against the boys grip. The boy laughed and slapped the girl across the face leaving a red mark.
"Kacchan stop your hurting me" squealed the green haired girl.
"I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO BE THE ONLY ONE TO GO TO UA FROM THAT SH*TTY SCHOOL DEKU" the blond boy who I think his name was kacchan said.
I feel bad for the girl I thought to myself. I decided I was going to step in so a transformed into some person I killed a while back and jumping out kicking the boy in the gut then stabbing him in the stomach with my knife.
"Kacchan" the girl shrieked she ran up to the boy and started to cry.
"I think this is my cue to leave see you around" I said skipping away, today was fun but I think I'm going to get some sleep.
Izumi's POV:
Kacchan pinned me against the hard cold brick wall, I squealed as Kacchan slapped me in the face I began to cry even harder. All of a sudden a girl with black hair and blue eyes (toga) jumped out from behind the dumpster and stabbed Kacchan in the stomach.
"Kacchan" I screamed I ran up to him and cried.
I looked at the girl as she skipped away she said something I couldn't quite hear. I didn't waste any time I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the police. I put pressure on kacchans wound until the police arrived and put him on a stretcher.
"Go home little girl it's dangerous to be out here at night" one of the hero's that had arrived on the scene stated. I nodded my head and ran home not caring to look where I was going. I got home and screamed into my pillow this was all my fault.
I screamed all night eventually deciding I was not going to get any sleep tonight. I sighed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. The hot water felt so good against my skin I reached over and pumped out some shampoo and ran my fingers through my hair untangling it as I go. I could already tell today was going to be a long day.
Kurogiri's POV:
6 hours earlier***
I was cleaning the shot glasses that had been broken when twice and mustard saw who can take more shots without passing out (twice won). Suddenly toga ran in scaring the feathers out of me.
"Mamagiri, mamagiri, I killed someone again they were meannnnn" toga shrieked inhumanly.
"Toga what did you just do" my eyes widened as I heard shuffling upstairs, you NEVER woke Shigaraki up unless you want to be disintegrated. Toga's look of excitement turned to a pouty scared face as tomura stomped down the stairs glaring at toga, lord I better hurry.
Shiggys POV:
6 hours later***
Toga had left to her room crying because I disintegrated her favorite knife. I don't really care though I had others things on my mind. Dabi was still sleeping so I decided I was going to turn on the news. I turned on the news and scrolled through the channels until one channel caught my eye.
"Yesterday night at 11 pm young UA student katski bakugo was stabbed in the stomach by what was identified to be Lila scooter, who was concluded dead 3 days ago."
"Toga" I yelled this was DEFINITELY her doing.
"Yes shiggy" she responded her hear tilted to the side like a puppy.
"Why did you go after a UA student you could have been caught" I whisper yell.
" sorry he was being a meanie" toga said.
"Whatever just don't do it again or else I will disintegrate you" I growled.
"Yes Mr. shiggy" toga said and hopped away.
Dabi's POV:
I turned over and woke up with a yawn my eyes fluttered open and I saw my boyfriend was not there. I growled and got up I HATE mornings. I stumbled out of bed and checked the time it was 11:47. I went to the float and threw on a black shirt with black ripped jeans I trudged down the stairs and saw tomura eating pancakes that kurogiri had made.
"Hey babe" said shiggy toga was sitting beside him unusual quite.
"Sup" I replied and sat down beside him as kurogiri slid me some pancakes across the counter.
" why is toga so quite" I asked suspiciously.
" she woke me up so I disintegrated her knife and she's be down since" said shiggy, of course he did.
"Have you guys found your soulmate yet it has been two years it's getting boring around here" toga said. Immediately me and shiggys mood darkened.
"No not yet it feels so empty without her"
"Or him" shiggy added
"Oh I'm sorry" toga said. "I can try to help you look for them if you want, what's there name!" Toga questioned.
"There names Izumi" I stated.
"Ok I'm going to go look bye handy but burnt toast" I sighed I hated that nickname, but me and shiggy went over to the couch and turned on a scary movie and snuggled up close to each other.
Izumi's POV:
   I pick it up and admire the beauty of the slick silver blade that will soon be the death of me. 1,2,3. It all goes black.
Todoroki POV: (bet you didn't expect that)
      The doctor at the hospital said to come inform the new girl in class izumi I think it was. I walked around a few blocks then I looked at the paper again and started to jog a little, in a matter of minutes I was in front of the address 1134 random address.
       I knocked on the door but, got no answer I decided to look threw the window but the shades were down. I tried to see if the door was open and surprisingly it was. I felt bad but I opened the door and walked into the house until I went to a room with a green door I opened up the door and I saw Izumi laying half dead on the ground. I started frightened for a second then snapped out of it and called the ambulance. I ran up to her and checked her pulse she was still alive for now.
        My eyes gazed over her body until I saw her wrist and there was hundreds of cuts I was horrified I looked at her wrist and I was surprised when I saw two names. I was also frustrated she was so cute I wanted her to be mine and mine only.
       I quickly ran to the bathroom and found some foundation to cover up her soulmarks. Now she can be mine and mine only, finally I heard sirens and police stormed in and but my fluff ball on a stretcher. Don't worry baby I'll make sure your ok.
Bakuhoe POV:
     I couldn't wait to see Izumi and though I might never admit it even though I have a soulmate I love her.
    Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me and it said "I'm sorry to inform Mr bakugo but your friend is in the hospital due to a stab wound"
     My heart skipped a beat and for the first time in forever I began to cry "GET OUT" I shouted at the nurse I didn't want to be around anyone right now not in the date I was in. Izumi why, why would you leave me?
Izumi's POV:
    Uggh my head hurt I opened my eyes only to be hugged tightly by Kacchan?
     " You nerd don't ever do that again hear me" yep definitely Kacchan.
     "Kacchan can you please get off me your hurting me" I whimpered.
     "Shut up and let me hug you damn nerd" ever though it hurt it kinda felt good to be cared about but, I shouldn't get my hopes up though I know right when I'm out of the hospital Kacchan will go back to being regular old Kacchan.
       I don't really care though either way I will end it all soon enough and I have the perfect plan~

   I hope you guys like it I worked really hard and I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.
   This is a drawing I found of Izumi, I think it's REALLY cute so I wanted to show you all.

Word count: 1566

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Word count: 1566

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